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what does this emoji mean 🙃 from a guy - win

Player/Analyst Tweets & Other Things - PLAYOFFS - TSM vs GG

Edit: Done for now (1hr after game), will check back again later. 😞 Added Treatz/BB/dl tweet if you guys missed it.
e2: Bjerg Tweet added
See you guys Saturday :/ Unfortunate.


Rogue Esports (LEC):
Golden Guardians (Twitter):
TSM (Twitter):
LCS Analyst Desk
Empyre (EG Analyst & Scout):
Rogue (GM) Tomislav:
IWD Notes by DuSundavr



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis
  • Nemesis - Akali ban because of the buffs, Zil ban against Bjerg.
  • LS - Suprised TSM banned GP. Hauntzer can't play it.
  • LS - Picking Thresh is a self-counterpick. Awkward lane is GG pick Ashe. (They picked Ashe).
  • Nemesis - Voli lost 2-4% wr with the nerfs.
  • LS - "Ooooooh" in response to the Ziggs picks. GG is in a not-bad spot in draft. Long range.
  • LS - Shocked by the Morde Pick. So many better picks than Morde for the last pick. Thinks Neeko would've been good.
  • LS Predicts TSM 3-0 the series
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Sneaky - Surprised they haven't been swapping between Bio and Treatz.
  • Meteos - Morg takeaway from the Caitlyn first pick is troll as hell.
  • Meteos - Wanted to see Evelynn. She's actually broken. Used to have a problem dueling but now she can.
GGS Coach Inero on Draft Game 1:


Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Meteos - Hauntzer felt safe because his jungler was nearby. (Successful FB gank top on Hauntzer)
  • Sneaky - Wants to see the Manamune on Ashe, Meteos like the potential IE/ER on Ashe. (~8)
  • Meteos - Treatz not going mobis doesn't feel nearly as threatening.
  • Huge play by TSM (~11:50 Drag). Got a kill, dragon steal, and gold from Herald.
  • Meteos - Cait needs to do well early or she's going to have a period in the mid game where her damage just really sucks ass. (~11:40)
  • Sneaky - Game is a lot harder since Hauntzer died early
  • Meteos - First gank by Spica was really well played. Wards the red and then hops to golems. Sees Closer pathing up and knows exactly how much time he has to make this play top. (going over during long pause)
  • Probably figured Sett wouldn't be at raptors since Sett doesn't do raptors well. Initial intent was to steal raptors but he saw Sett there so he went for the top play. Good thinking by Spica.
  • Meteos - Jensen is DDOSing this match. Sneaky - Why would he DDOS this match? Meteos - IDK. He just likes doing it for fun.
  • Meteos reading guy in chat: "To prevent the Bjergsen MVP"
  • Sneaky - TSM fighting here at drag would be kind of rough since Cait still only has 25% crit which is pretty bad. (~21:40)
  • Shen had ult for Cait that entire time. (4th drag fight)
  • Meteos - A lot of NA team just default to grouping mid, getting baron river vision and just randomly hitting baron when they don't know what to do next. Says he participated in that a couple of times as well.(~24)
  • Seems really hard for GG since they're up against 4 merc treads, QSS, mikaels (~26min)
  • Sneaky - Can't believe Ziggs ulted BB when he got arrowed. Waste. (26:30, TSM get the drag and Closer's life) Meteos agrees the Ziggs ult was really troll. Thinks that the comms from GG were like "we can't let them have drag here!" and that's when disaster hits.
  • Sneaky/Meteos - BB didn't accomplish much in the mid fight. Fight got really awkward when Bjerg got binded and BB taunted nobody. (Mid blunder into Baron)
  • Meteos - GG just win. WTF, Morde is not balanced at all. (~31:30)
  • Meteos - Brokenblade really didn't play that mid fight well. Although, he didn't really have many good options. FBI had a really big dick flash in.
  • Sneaky - Doublelift just netted into Mordekaiser. Also Treatz flayed Hauntzer out of DL's trap.
  • Meteos - these plays are easy to criticize in hindsight but I think we couldn't really make the right play in the moment.
LS w/ Crownie & Nemesis:
  • LS what about Hecarim top? They should've picked Hec top. (GG)
  • Nemesis - Leesin pathing got caught by the hawkshot ~ Should be able to track him for the next minute.(2:40)
  • LS - Surprised GG didn't cheater around ~3:30
  • Nemesis/Crownie - Cheater is worse with TP and they saw Lee Sin on the opposite side. LS thinks it would've been fine to get cull and stay in lane.
  • Crownie - Cait/Thresh are capable of one shotting waves. Morg Ashe are playing the lane wrong so far. (~6:50)
  • LS - Drag steal by Spica and rift getting all those plates is MASSIVE for TSM. Game seems doomed for GG. (~12min).
  • Nemesis - TSM already have 4 mr items at 15min and LS says TSM's team doesn't like building MR early "h'ooookaayy"
  • Nemesis asks LS about the early MR items since he came back. "What happened LS?"
  • LS - Yeah. Looks like they're actually itemizing good. Thinks this MR itemization is happening really early but that's because they're ahead.
  • LS - Scrims are different from stage. You don't have the mental capability to change the fact that there is now something on the line vs something not on the line. You're naturally more reckless in scrims. Willingness to experiment goes up and you're more willing to take fights. It's just a natural thing that happens. (Watching GGS's show during break).
  • LS - GG are probably going to win now that TSM blundered the mid fight and gave GG baron. Thinks this because the baron buff will naturally translate into Ocean soul.
  • This isn't a pause, GGS just ffed. (3rd drag pause)


  • TSM right now #LCS (That escalated quickly.gif)
  • What a turnaround from Golden Guardians! That game went from TSM dominating to TSMs next exploding in about 2 minutes flat! Interested to see how TSM will look in game 2 after what has to be an absolutely TILTing loss. #LCS
  • hauntzer mvp from game 1 for sure
  • If only there was some way to escape morde ulti. thinking emoji
  • I think Mordekaiser is fed.
  • Damn, what a spicy fight. FBI flash forward for the Bjergsen kill was big.
  • Underrated part of that game: The only player who can realistically break Black Shield is Bjergsen. Otherwise FBI can straight up ignore the TSM frontline. Really, really big deal in that fight.
  • FBI is a fucking god. Solo won that fight (I know, binding was sick, hauntzer played well.)
  • Travis Gafford: Solo plays for FlyQuest....
  • someone didn't pay their QSS tax
Golden Guardians (Twitter):
  • First LCS Ziggs win since 2016 - It's Tanner Time @Damonte
  • damwho gaming? not so top esports? Gwho esports? Golden Guardians are going to fly to Shanghai and bring back the Summoner's Cup to where it was made.
Hatrixx (Excel Mid):
  • If Damonte has a million fans, i am one of them . if Damonte has ten fans, i am one of them. if Damonte only has one fan, thats me. if Damonte has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth . if the world is against the Damonte, i am against the world
  • There is way too much downtime inbetween LCS Games, I understand we need the casters analysis but it feels weird when the analysis is longer than the game.
  • Azael: It's literally a set amount of time that's the same every game (barring tech issues), which is to give the players time to use the bathroom, get food, discuss changes etc. It's nothing to do w/ casters wanting to talk lol
  • Sorry, maybe i phrased it wrong i didn't mean to say that it's for the casters, i moreso meant theres too much downtime where all we see as the viewers is the casters talking and it usually seems pretty repetitive because theres only so much you can talk about postgame
  • When does the next game start? Omg...
Meteos & Sneaky:
  • Meteos - they took Thresh into Morg. I think it's not a straight up counter pick but you're not winning. Why not Lux/Nami? Optimizes the Cait pick.
  • Sneaky - Doesn't even need to shit on lane. Just needs to go even to become a monster. Thresh doesn't really help her go even. Lux would've been soo much pressure. Meteos agrees.
  • Sneaky - Lulu Cait would've be fine too. Not amazing but fine. Lulu doesn't have a set-up for trap but Cait's dmg goes up.



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis & Sanchovies
  • LS - Ready for the salty run back?
  • Crownie - The Bard is better than Thresh
  • Nemesis - Here comes the B4 Leesin. TAKE IT AWAY
  • Crownie - TSM's comp is generally the same.
  • LS - GG hard win the draft.
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Both sides keeping the same sides.
  • Meteos - Casters are saying Cait Zyra. I think Zyra is a completely shit champion. She doesn't do anyting. Just a laning phase champ. Cds are long. Immobile and Squishy.
  • Sneaky - For sure, I think Lux is the pick.
  • Meteos - Zyra is the worst champ in the game right now...
  • Meteos - Bard is a much better pick!
  • Sneaky - Cait Bard is all about the level 6 timing early on. Ashe should be able to solo pressure this lane.


Sneaky & Meteos
  • Sneaky - Doesn't think the Doran's shield is correct. Cull or Dorans is fine. You heal off autos, you're not just sitting back.
  • Meteos - Hawkshot is so broken, you can't mindgame the other jungler.
  • Sneaky - GG look really good unlike last game. They were bad until they weren't (7:30)
  • Sneaky - Looks like a team gap here (~8:25, Bjerg dies)
  • Meteos - Bjerg positioning was really weird. E didn't take him towards base. Good for him to save flash since he would've died no matter what.
  • Meteos - GG shouldn't have contested TSM's herald. It's a useless herald with no good targets for TSM to use it on. Ashe could've went bot and got free first tier turret. (Herald Fight ~15:50)
  • Sneaky - Hauntzer is kind of running it down for TSM (~21)
  • Sneaky - Ashe keeps missing arrows. Meteos - It's the short cd, fk it. She has cloud too.
  • Sneaky/Meteos - Spica stealing potential soul is huge but GG can potentially get Baron.
  • Coordination between DL & Treatz was off when DL got arrowed. DL could've taken portal. (~30)
  • Fights are TSM favored from this point on (38:30). Look at Bjerg's item- nvm they got backdoored with triple TP.
LS & Co.
  • Nemesis - How is GP losing to Ornn this hard? (~4)
  • Nemesis - What was that facecheck from Treatz? (4:20) Late flash too.
  • LS - TSM lose this game. Diffy in the Driffy. Ashe didn't even have to flash since they have GP ult.
  • LS - Game is over, what is BB even doing? (~12:30 engage onto Sett top) GG win and might 3-0
  • LS - Ziggs/Xerath/Vel'koz. The future of mid lane. So good. (~20:20)
  • LS - GG currently 5k ahead with the drags value. Thinks GG team comp is better too. Lee should've built Youmuus (22)
  • Nemesis talking about matchup mid - Ziggs wins early but uses more mana. LS agrees that it is Ziggs favored.
  • LS - Hauntzer's GP is bad. If he kited backwards instead of into TSM's team. GG win that 5v4. (~31min baron fight)
  • Crownshot - (Spica takes 6th drag, GG take Baron) it's troll for Treatz not to be in pit with DL. People are going to blame DL for positioning but Treatz should be in pit to portal people out.
  • LS dies laughing at the webcams glitching out for GG ~36:30
  • Nemesis still thinks GG win despite being aced in TSM's base. LS agrees due to comp diff.
  • LS - TSM can't draft for their lives... GG (triple backdoored)
  • bjergsen is carrying this game so hard holy shit. spica too. dlift is really not having a good game.
  • Huhi's black shields have been nice. fbi is a monster. this set has been v exciting so far.
  • fleet cait :puke:
  • Selfmade: she clearly needs lethal tempo to hit 4 ranged champions ure right veigar
  • stop ratioing me fleet is good here im just memeing it


TSM Report:
  • We cant stop the backdoor in time and now we look to start the reverse sweep in game 3
Golden Guardians:
  • That's 2-0! A clean teleport backdoor puts us at match point vs @TSM in the first round of #LCS Playoffs! One more game - let's wrap this up. #GGWIN
  • ROFL @GoldenGuardians WITH THE TRIPLE TP END CALL!! They go up 2-0 against @TSM in our first playoff series! #LCS
  • how broken is ziggs
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY????????????? as expected it's a 209 set thanks to big bot difference... wait a sec...
  • This is enough of a runback to be considered salty IMO
  • Well, congrats on winning @GoldenGuardians. There's no way that @TSM come back from an 0-2. #LCS
  • Hahaha our CLG Season 2 Worlds Triple TP Secret Strat has been passed down 8 years later to Golden Guardians with that spicy backdoor finish
  • GGS is too good or what
  • Phreak: Better hope TL picks them in round 2
  • At least GG didn't try to satchel charge the nexus KEKW
Empyre (EG Analyst):
  • Bot diff is proving to be a bit big in this series #LCS
  • TSM down 0-2 but the games have been close even with different TSM individuals playing badly. Next one will be telling assuming TSM adapts their botlane picks and what GG is trying to do to counter Azir-Caitlyn in draft.
Meteos & Sneaky:
  • Spica Bjergsen & Hauntzer(lol) are the only people playing good on TSM. It seems like a huge bot lane gap. Grand Canyon Gap.
  • Well, congrats on making the next round @GoldenGuardians . There's no way that @TSM come back from an 0-2. #LCS
  • A lot of people are clowning on TSM but that the game is unwinnable if there is ever a ward inside their base. The nexus instantly falls without the ability to respond vs. 3 TP with Ziggs and one turret dead. It's checkmate if GG are smart.
  • I thought TSM were supposed to be good. ???
  • Phreak: Frosk you've cast Worlds. You know they aren't.
  • Respect to TSM for keeping a solid team identity trading Soul for their nexus in 2 out of their last 3 games.
  • Glad to see ziggs having so much success. Him/Xerath/Vel'Koz have been the future of mid lane for almost a year...
  • Crumbz is right - I don’t understand why TSM isn’t opting for an enchanter into a 1-2 Morg blind; the only reason I could see is them being scared of a morg flex in some way which sounds really unlikely to me
  • Karma > Lulu
  • This is the only first round playoff series I thought could go the way of an upset - BUT - I fully did not expect us to be sitting on a 2-0 for @GoldenGuardians on the way to making that happen. The whole team has shown up at different moments, but none more than @VictorHuang !



LS w/ SK Crownshot & Fnatic Nemesis
  • TSM bans Morg LS: TSM are going to win every game now.
  • LS: There it is. Sett Thresh. There it is.
  • LS: Blitz would be good for GG since it destroys Sett's Shield. GG lock in Tahm WHAATTTT. I gotta go to the bathroom.....
  • Nemesis: Ok the Ashe is an answer to the Cait.
  • Sanch: Why did GG reverse the adcs?
  • Nemesis: They probably feel like they're better on both Ashe and Cait.
  • Nemesis: Noooo why Nid? So it's Sett mid blind...
  • LS: This makes it a really good Morde game. Hauntzer locks in Morde
  • LS doesn't like the Ori since she gets outranged by Nidalee/Ashe.
  • the GP pick here reminds LS of the TL game. It doesn't work well with the rest of his teammates.
  • Nemesis: Why?
  • LS: Doesn't like Sett, Nidalee does what with GP? Ashe/Thresh don't feel ideal to synergize with him.
  • Nemesis/LS - GG won draft.
Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Ori is a good common blind.
  • TSM have to lane kingdom. They're really relying on Spica to carry this game.
  • Spica is known as a Nidalee/Graves player. So we'll see... It'll depend on the Jungle gap.
  • tsm should go nida on 3 and jinx on 4
  • retweets: Tsm botlane drafting is turbo autofilled level
  • So this is risky because TSM is putting their best player on a bruisetank, but it does give TSM 3 winning lanes and a lot of agency. Remember GG relies on snowballing games, so TSM is trying to counteract that instead of playing the scaling game.
  • TSM’s draft isn’t bad by any means, they adhere to normal P/B rules and the picks make sense; it’s just the bot lane hole has to be stuffed. I’d keep Cait blind, ban Ziggs in 4-5 and run the comp back after exchanging Bard for Karma (albeit Bard can be fine, just not ideal).
  • 2-1, think TSM’s draft if they can play their champs is a lot better, GGs is not supposed to create a lead anywhere on the map; I hope Bjerg and Spica can execute their champs, their mid 2v2 is insane
  • Wtf TSM forgot to pick a mid laner
  • How is RGE supposed to beat TSM if they never make it to worlds?
  • RGE: We believe


Former C9 Sneaky & 100T Meteos
  • Bjerg is really punishing Damonte's cull first item. (3:20)
  • GP is going to be TSM's only advantage. ~19:30 Cloud dragon map actually saves TSM from Morde destroying them in that fight by Baron.
  • TSM showing signs of life at cloud soul with the double kill but they stack on drag so that Closer can fuck their Moms. Bjerg did his best to try and zone Closer. (Cloud soul fight)
LS & Co.
  • Morde flash is traded for Bjerg's ghost. That's a good trade for TSM.
  • Doublelift is losing really hard in CS what? (5min)
  • Crownshot/Nemesis: It's a really hard losing lane.
  • Nemesis: TSM can't kill anyone here. Big disaster for TSM. (drag fight)
  • LS/Crownshot: DL DIDN'T BUY. IT'S OVER.
  • Everyone: It's actually over. no joke. Plus they're tilting them with Teemo emotes.
  • Everyone: Comp imbalance and mistakes. Absolutely over.
  • DL TPs back to lane with just boots? Second time he's TP'd to lane without items...........
  • This game is a disaster
C9 Westrice:
  • its actually a draft kingdom. GOOD JOB @inero
LS (Twitter):
  • Holy shit... DoubleLift failed to buy BF sword during his teleport. This lane is so over.
  • Dash: 🤯 BOOM 🤯
  • Think this game is over. Despite it only being about a 3k dif, the draft imbalance is so big. Really doomed for TSM sadly. I don't know how they win outside of miracle GP fighting (~18min)
  • Can't lose to shopkeeper if you don't buy!
  • Yikes!
  • FBI intimidated Dlift into forgetting to buy. huge brain
  • Wait, what is this TSM comp in game 3? They have 0 reliable AP damage? Am I missing something?
  • Yikes
  • GG 3-0! (18min)
TL Dodo:
  • Damn Huhi's been smurfing on support lately
Travis Gafford:
  • I’m not a fan of any region or team, I am just a fan of whoever is playing the best League of Legends in the world. And right now, that just happens to be Golden Guardians.
Nicole LaPointe Jameson (EG Owner):
  • GoldenGuardians is going to worlds



  • Gg we should have played better today, happy for my brother @closerlol❤️
  • Closer: Kral BB ♥
  • Guess we gotta do the G2 lower bracket run...
  • I played like shit and all I can say is I'll do a lot better in the next round
  • Really poor performance from me today, we will regroup and come back stronger for the next series. GGS played well and was clearly the better team today 👏
  • GGWP @GoldenGuardians
TSM Report:
  • Tough day, GGs
  • sad will smith with memes
  • Big love to all the TSM fans who support the team through thick and thin. You're the actual best. I appreciate you.


  • 🙂
  • Jack: 😎
  • TL: Lol
C9 Westrice:
  • But @GoldenGuardians is so hot right now
  • Daaaaaaaaamn, Golden Guardians just trashed TSM. What a stomp
*tweets clip of Azael saying TSM is the best midlaner on the Dive
  • Azael: GGWP! Bjergsen was still a beast this series, but you played very well & as I said right before that if you can neutralize him yall could upset!
  • Nerf aussies btw
  • So in case you forgot... Rogue > TSM #GoRogue
  • Prove us wrong in the Loser Bracket
C9 Jack:
  • Congrats @GoldenGuardians on your historic first playoff series win over @TSM ! #LCS
  • GOLDEN GODS, GG @TSM GG kardesim @TSMBrokenblade
  • Destekleriniz için hepinize çok teşekkür ederim arkadaşlar
  • Imagine what would happen if we actually win drafts aswell @inero
  • TSM's botlane was so outclassed this series, really sad to see
  • That was a total and complete bot diff #LCS
GG Becca:
  • holy shit @GoldenGuardians just 3-0'd TSM in playoffs that's sick
  • FBi & Huhi kinda pisssmurfed that series
Golden Guardians:
  • And that's it! We 3-0 @TSM and move on to the Second Round of #LCS Playoffs! This is our first ever playoff win and we're not stopping here - we won't be happy until we lock in our spot to worlds. Thanks to all the fans and we'll be back next week for Round 2! #GGWIN
GG Huhi:
  • first step is done well. Proud of my teammates!! GGWP
  • Why does the best ADC (@VictorHuang) in NA only have 2k followers...?!
  • tweets a picture of a QSS
  • DL: Actually, one time we were playing against Golden Guardians, and it was 2-0 to GG. We were playing Ashe, they were playing Caitlyn and Bjergsen said: Guys, if we think we are good, let's prove it now, 2-0" Regi: "Did we come back?" DL: "of course not. 3-0"
  • TSM emote from @Damonte I see you
Emily Rand:
  • Golden Guardian Gamers
  • did tsm wonnered?
  • :o
  • FBI making Doublelift look like he's the DMV.
GG Inero:
  • FBI OPEN UP! See you soon @Impact
  • Dardoch has a chance to knock out TSM for the year on Saturday. FRONT ROW SEATS still available. Don't miss out!
  • Helal kardesim @closerlol
  • Closer: Helaalllll
  • Golden Guardians is a Bo5 away from making Worlds Anyone know what time it is by any chance?
C9 Mateus (C9 social media):
  • praying for the TSM subreddit mods today lit candle emoji
GG Hauntzer:
C9A Diamond:
  • fbi is a bit tooooooooooooo good
Incredible performance from Golden Guardians who really stepped up across the board to get their first playoff series win in franchise history and SWEEP TSM! FBI was incredible, but Huhi & Hauntzer were the biggest difference makers for me in this one! GGWP!#LCS
  • Can somebody tell me why Tsm never picked karma into morg and then chose to ban it
  • Zaboutine: wondering as well
  • I wish I can tell you, the match up is unplayable and u can even take cleanse
  • Phreak: Matchup is a big win, but Karma got super heavy nerfs. She's so bad Morgana still comes out winning the game even if the lane is tougher.
  • What makes her bad tho, I feel that cait usually wants to perma push and poke under tower and karma matches that perfect. Karma can also utilize cruicble way better than thresh/bard and her aoe shields still bring a lot to a team fight especially against ziggs
  • Inner Flame mana cost / CD are relevant factors. If you aren't able to spam enough to push back against Ashe/Morg push it's just bg.
  • Stunt: Lux
GG GM Danan:
  • so damn proud of everyone. time for a well-deserved day off before getting back to the grind. GGWP @TSM
  • TSM had 2/3 really bad drafts, but it isn't solely why they lose. Today just seemed really really off and GGs played well above expectations. In game 2/3 game can be decided by 15min if TSM doesnt get leads.
  • Dardoch has a chance to knock out TSM for the year on Saturday. FRONT ROW SEATS still available. Don't miss out!
Tim Sevenhuysen (OraclesElixir Founder):
  • I wanted to see TSM handshake the bot lane and win through Broken Blade. Instead, they drafted BB onto Shen, Ornn, and Gangplank. All three are good at helping bot lane. TSM were never going to win through bot lane against FBI and huhi. Poor game planning by TSM, IMO. #LCS
submitted by ImLegacys to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

MIL tries to crash my BFF's first anniversary...again (PART 3)

Hello my lovely Llamas! This will hopefully be the last installment of Keebler's invasion during my BFF's first wedding anniversary. I'm on mobile this time, so I apologize for subpar formatting this time around (but mobile means sassy emoji's! 💁🏻‍♀️). Also, sorry for the length but I really didn't feel like making a part 4.
If I'm recalling correctly we last left off with Keebler "going to the supermarket" and then disappearing for more than half a day. She's the next modern street magician!
BFF arrived home around 9 PM, Keebler still MIA. FIL had been occasionally texting Keebler to check up on her and make sure she was still alive. Her response everytime was "I'll be home soon!" At least it wasn't radio silence? BFF and DH decided they would not enable/engage the behavior so didn't text Keebler once during this ordeal. Everyone at the house decided there was no sense waiting for this woman to show up and proceeded to feast on DH's meal without her.
Then, BFF and BIL ended up having a heart-to-heart after dinner. This is extremely unusual because the two usually don't see eye-to-eye or get along in general. During their conversation BIL confessed that he's been trying to figure out how to trick Keebler into seeing a psychiatrist for a long time. He thinks she may have bipolar disorder that has gone undiagnosed for most of her life. BFF contemplates this, looks back on past behaviors, and considers Keebler's current behaviors. Bipolar disorder would explain a lot, and both BFF and BIL agree that Keebler may be currently experiencing a manic episode.
Side bar: while I'm not a doctor, I am a medical professional. I'm somewhat versed in mental health and psychiatric disorders. Keebler fits the bill for either bipolar disorder or manic depressive (although nowadays those are being lumped together more often than not). It would explain pretty much 100% of Keebler's behavior, but it does not excuse her behavior.
After dropping this bomb on BFF, BIL then confesses to her that he's really depressed about his relationship with Keebler. He says that he has friends who have really great relationships with their mothers and often feels extremely envious of them, while also feeling ashamed and embarrassed of Keebler. He then said that as a single guy in his late 20's, having a good relationship with his mom would make such a difference in his life and give him a person to rely on and confide in...but he'll never have that. 😭
So now BFF has an "aha" moment about Keebler, but still wants to strangle her anyway. Lol. DH packed up dinner, put it in the fridge, and peaced out to bed. Everyone else stayed up and watched TV. Then, at half past midnight, Keebler returned from her trip to Hades, with tortured souls and death obscene amounts of shopping bags in tow. (Noted: likely shopping addiction, you llamas are so good at this 😍). The kicker? She walks in and acts like everything is completely normal. Nothing to see here apparently! Normal person behavior! /sarcasm
BFF asks her in much kinder terms where TF she has been for the past 8+ hours. Keebler claims she "went to Michael's, then went to Kohl's." BFF suspects she was off performing human sacrifices to the crafting gods. BFF also told me that Keebler had bags from more than just Michael's and Kohl's. And surprise! No eggs, milk, or bread! 🙄
BFF then informed Keebler that dinner was packed away in the fridge if she wanted to have some. Keebler did that dismissive shooing hand motion and claimed she was fine. BIL then added that it was cooked by DH and suddenly Keebler was absolutely starved and needed to eat. 🙃 BFF admits she passive aggressively added, "don't worry, I didn't cook a thing."
BFF then asked Keebler what time her and FIL's flight home were the next day (would have been Wednesday), and Keebler giggled (BFF describes this giggle as Keebler's "I think I'm being cute" laugh) and said this GEM:
Ohhhh, our flight is on Thursday! We figured we would spend an extra day with you guys! [HORROR MUSIC/NOISES]
BFF told me that she thought she was going to pop a blood vessel in her eye. Beyond her control, BFF started having a crazed/unhinged laughing fit and walked into the bedroom where DH was sleeping.
The plan was supposed to be that BFF takes the day off work on the day the invasion was supposed to end (Wednesday), sees them off to the airport, then goes home and spends the rest of the day in recovery. Now she has to spend her entire day off with Keebler and scramble to feed everybody. After waking DH from his slumber (DH describes BFF's face to me as "that of a crazed murderer") she military strutted into the kitchen and prepared a lasagna in a baking dish to heat the next night for dinner.
Next day comes, Keebler sensed trouble in paradise, and she went out for most of the day with FIL. Then, comes home for dinner and starts contemplating out loud what SHE should cook for dinner. 😬 Y'know... never mind that you watched your DIL put it together last night. Never mind that this ISN'T YOUR DAMN HOUSE so wtf business do you have cooking there. BFF texted me at this point raging. I told her to cook the lasagna anyway and not let anyone eat it except herself. Then pack away the left overs and freeze them as meal prep for the week. 😈 Then I told her if anyone asked if that was for everyone's dinner to say, "ohhh no, this is my meal prep for work. I completely forgot you'd still be here for dinner. Whoooops, sorry." Muahaha.
Well, after Keebler hemming and hawing about what to make, BIL finally said, "Mom wtf, BFF prepped lasagna for dinner. That's what we're eating." (DH was at work, blissfully unawares). And then Keebler ate the damn lasagna and thoroughly enjoyed it. Small victories.
The next day BFF and DH kicked Keebler and co. out of the house in the morning as they left for work. Keebler tried suggesting that they hang out at the house until it was time to leave for the airport and DH said: "Why don't you guys go do some sightseeing in [City], you barely did anything together all trip." Lololol. What a guy.
And there you have it. Like I said previous post: ended with not a bang, but with a whimper.
Oh, and before I forget! Keebler made a BookFace post two days later saying how woooooonderful it was to spend so much time with her three favorite children. Like...all three minutes, apparently? 😜
When I get a chance I'm going to recount the saga leading up to BFF and DH's wedding. I was MoH, so thoroughly involved...and therefor had to deal with Keebler myself, and also do damage control a lot of the time.
*Edit: fixed the usual trifecta. Grammar, spelling, and formatting.
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what does this emoji mean 🙃 from a guy video

WHAT DOES THE HOT DOG EMOJI MEAN SEXUALLY - YouTube WHAT DOES THESE EMOJI MEAN?? - YouTube What does it mean when a guy sends you a black heart emoji ... What Does This Emoji Mean? - YouTube What Emojis Really Mean - YouTube DOES HE TEXT YOU THIS!? (REVEALING GUY SECRETS) - YouTube What does each colour of the heart emoji mean? - YouTube WHAT DOES THE HOT DOG EMOJI MEAN SEXUALLY - YouTube TEXT THIS EMOJI TO A GIRL, AND SHE'LL LOVE YOU  What To ...

Q. What does Grinning Face with Sweat emoji mean? This usually depicts the expression of something wrong being done unintentionally. Suppose, you forgot your friend’s notebook at a library, so while stating that to him via text message – you can use this emoji to let him know what you did. The nerd emoji is another facial representation to exhibit cuteness and innocence. The guy does not like to be labeled as the “bad guy,” so they will often use this to play innocent and lovable. A lot of times, guys will use this whenever he is saying “yes” to go somewhere with you. If you want to know what do all the emojis mean, you are in a right place. Here are all emoji meanings. All emoji pictures here has a text label that explains it's exact meaning to avoid ambiguity and possible confusion when typing and reading messages with emoji symbols and smileys on Facebook, Twitter and messaging applications. The same goes for any other emoji that is about him, or his reactions, and not you. 3. If he is only using emojis, then he is not wanting to devote any time to your conversation. He is lazy and uninterested. This is most likely the guy who randomly texts you just to keep you interested in case he gets lonely. The Crying Smiley Emoji Every emoji has a secret meaning behind it and this one means that he’s probably a little hurt, maybe a little disappointed. If you see him using this emoji with you, know that things are a bit serious now and what you say or do has the power to affect him! What Does It Mean When A Guy Uses Emojis Emoji Guys Emojis Meanings . I Want Those P S Guys Thank You So Much For Following Me I Have A125 Followers It Doesn T Seem Like A Lot But It Means A Lot To Me And I Lo . Red Hair Man Emoji Red Hair Men Emoji Red Hair Emoji . This emoji might also be used in a joking way if someone is “fishing for compliments”. Running Shirt A running shirt with a sash on it like athletes wear in competitions so they can be identified. What does 😎 Face With Sunglasses emoji mean? Alright, alright, alright 😎! The smiling face with sunglasses emoji is used to convey someone or something is cool, chill, easy-going, or carefree, sometimes with a bit of a snarky tone. It's also used to express appreciation or approval and to stand in for the sentiments of OK or awesome.. Or, it can literally means it's a sunny or warm day This emoji can also mean peace and relaxation. We all know it can be hard for guys to show their true emotions. If he’s using this emoji often, it can mean he is relaxed with you, and is ready to open up. However, you must make sure you don’t push him away in your reply. A lot of girls make this mistake by accident. The emoji has a mouth covered by the hand, open eyes and with a face that is yellow. It has a gasping expression, indicating a shock, apology, concern or surprise. In other scenarios, it depicts embarrassment or coy laughter, as if uttering oops! “Oh my! You mean he truly lost everything to the fire. 🤭” 🤫 Shushing Face

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what does this emoji mean 🙃 from a guy

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