350+ Japanese Yakuza Tattoos With Meanings and History ...

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Brotherhood - Thief in Law (Yakuza in Russia)

TL;DR: I imagined a hypothetical Yakuza-style and mood game set in Russia that will never happen, but I think the idea fits too well and wanted to share with the sub. Source: Russian/Post-USSR-Territory immigrant.
So I was supposed to sleep yesterday to get ready for work, but instead I was up until 1 am, frantically writing down ideas, that felt like Bloodborne notes when seen in the morning. But I genuinely like this "pitch", plus it's more original then the monotony of "Your favorite X" posts for you, dear reader. So here is what I have:
Name: Without going much into the "lore", I'm not great with naming. "Thief in Law" is a legit russian term for a very specific type of criminal, not exactly Yakuza-Samurai, but something closer to the representation of the Mafia families. I wish it had a better english "ring" to it. Brotherhood is a slight play on the "Brother" naming convention (yes, russian gangsters call each other "aniki" too). I'm not too versed in the criminal overworld to come up with a better name. Other options I had were "Vor" ("вор") - "Thief" directly translated, but taking the page from "Yakuza" playbook, or "Pahan" ("Пахан") - apparently a mafia slang for the head of the gang, that I found on the wiki.
Mood/Lore/Story: So, here is another part I'm not so strong at, since "crime" was not really my thing before I moved away, I was a good boy! BUT-BUT-BUT, even the things that are known to me on the surface level are already perfect for the type of serious, straight-faced, convoluted and nationalist storytelling the Yakuza games are known for. Back home, we used to have a period called "Rakish 90s" ("Лихие девяностые"). In short - when USSR fell apart, and we still haven't figured out the whole "capitalist" thing, the Yakuza-style crime of rackets, schemes, financial pyramids, weapon trafficking and all that good stuff ran rampant, because a lot of shit in the government had to be rebuild from scratch, leaving too much wiggle room for criminals and people willing to do anything for a buck. Capitalism is cool, but if there are no rules in place, people will and were exploiting everything and everyone. 20 years later, that time created a climate of romanticized crime. Not to the extent of "Yakuza" with pinkie cutting old-time traditions, obviously, but very similar in spirit and the same amount of reach into politics (our president was a KGB agent, if you didn't know! and KGB is like the CIA of 'Merica, being the shittiest internal secret service!). "Eye for an eye", "sitting in prison means respect", "honor among thieves" etc etc. Probably the most classic representation of it can be found in a movie "Brother" as well as "Bimmer" ("Бумер") - they are not "Yakuza-style" comedies with serious plots, but they have the potential to be, since they can be interpreted as a kind of a romanticized version of that kind of life. There can be also a fuck ton of colorful characters - Your political criminals in suits; Your slimy dudes covered in tatoos that will shank you; militaristic old-guard pining for the old days; you skinheads and anti-fa; the younger kids, that are too influenced by the west and "don't get it, MAN"; I also heard you guys like back tattos?!
In short, I don't have a "plot" in mind. But the setting is there to allow all sort of Yakuza-like shenanigans. Long rackets, paperwork and bribes, politics involved, prison drama, and even unveiling of old WW2 weapon caches. All that covered in the thickest level of patriotism and national pride. You can go nuts! Personally, I had this fun idea to level up, so I think the first game needs to start with a crime that the MC commits and will end with him going to jail for the first time.
Setting: Just like in Yakuza, we have 2 major cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg to choose from that can be modeled with unique places all over, plus a fuck ton of beautiful iconic minor locations.
Gameplay: So guns are a thing, but not as much as in the US. And "one single person is the best" narratives are generally not a thing. It's mostly about brothers and a team of dudes. So I'm thinking something closer to Y7's RPG system would fit better. Either way, fist-fights are still a major thing and the base Yakuza gameplay formula would also fit. It will have two major currencies - bottles vodka (CP equivalent for quests and achievements) and money (for fights and activities).
Level Up System: It will not be "money", because we don't care about investing in yourself. I was playing with the idea of it being Liters of Vodka you drank, or prison tattoos FarCry 4 style, but I think I found something better. Your EXP is your time spend in prison, since prison makes you tough! And prison guards or ex-prison guards are the most vicious horrible enemies because the work in prison. At some point in early game you meet a "trainer" who tells you to behave like your appropriate prison sentence, since you will get caught and serve it anyway! You might as well start behaving like you already did right now (very Pat-like), which will lead you to commit more crime and act even tougher. Yeah I know it doesn't really make sense, shut up.
NOW! Here is what you are actually here for. THE WACKY SHIT. THE GOOD STUFF. THE SIDE QUESTS.
Imagine playing through the contents of "/ANormalDayInRussia/" - there is so much crazy shit you can go over. There is a goldmine of wacky cultural shit, especially if you're a westerner and have no context for it. There is a high president for "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" material, since most people will be either way below you and have nothing to lose, or too above and will not care if you die. Here are some examples I could come up with:
  • You learn about side quests by giving bags of sunflower seeds to gossiping old ladies sitting on a bench (it's a thing, trust me).
  • Collecting parts of a home made vodka brewing machine.
  • Helping that one guy to sell a meteor that fell into his yard for vodka while secret agents are trying to stop you. (I couldn't find an articles but Woolie always talks about it and I believe him)
  • THE ONLY FOREGNER IN THE ENTIRE CITY - "Look at this strange and wacky black guy!! He can't speak the language good and has a very HOT Russian Girlfriend for no reason! What's up with that?!"
  • Take Tigers from Yakuza and replace them with Bears and/or Wolves for the same purpose.
  • "There is no Sex in USSR" is a classic aspect that still holds kinda true in a lot of circles. I'm not smart enough, but something good can be done with that.
  • Street racing, but everyone has the same shitty busted car.
  • Climbing on very tall building with no safety, you can make fun of Ubisoft towers!
  • Something needs to be done with the Corpse of Lenin. My suggestion - it either gets lost and/or YOU need to pretend to be him for a day and lay there.
  • Cameos by Russian celebrities that none here knows about but are forever iconic and even cult-like back there.
  • Collecting and/or dealing with post-WW2 relics, guided by a guy wearing the Kozak uniform.
  • Very tired and old hookers, that are sick of everyone's shit, but are also very wise. Potentially tied to romanticized domestic abuse and/or homophobia.
  • Quests based on old soviet movies - a boy and his robot double; diamonds hidden in a broken arm cast and/or chairs; a guy with a heart of a dog;
  • Vostok 1 mission about going into space or at least a space station.
  • The one cop that never takes bribes. Because all of them always take all the bribes all the time. And there has to be one that is a pure angel.
  • Super boss - a guy spent 40 years laying on his couch amassing POWER and is now out to bust some heads. Mr. Shakedown equivalent maybe.
  • And most importantly! Never forget - Japan... I mean Russia is the best and the brightest country in the world!!!
  • Now there is one thing I couldn't find an equivalent for, and that is the diaper wearing adults. The best I could come up with is public bath houses. A deep russian tradition to go and take the hottest bath ever with a bunch of naked dudes while being whipped by branches. I went in a couple of times when I was a kid and it's 300% super real! Sometimes followed by jumping into the cold water.
  • Holiday feast! There is always more food then anyone ever needs. I'm thinking of something close to the Jack's 55th Birthday. Make sure not to fall asleep with your face in the salad (it's a national thing)!
  • Drinking Games - OBVIOUSLY. Timing mini-games maybe? Something close to the sleeping mini-game in Y7 maybe.
  • And yeah we also have karaoke of national songs! A community theater performance mini-game maybe?
Post TL;DR - woof, I think this covers all the ideas I had and hopefully showed you something interesting to read, and maybe even talk about! I know this will never happen ever, but I really liked this idea and it felt like a post well done enough to share.
submitted by RevenTheLight to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

Scrapped Draft Plot That Anyone Can Use - School Wars (Delinquent High School)

School Wars Season 1 Plot
Synopsis (1):
“Rule number one. Don’t fuck with me.” - Rei Fujima, 15, heir to the Fujima clan.
At 5, his mother was shot to death in a gun shootout. At 14, his father passed away from cancer. With the duty of becoming the Fujima clan’s 4th generation boss, Rei Fujima attends Akamori High (also known as Delinquent High) in order to recruit new members for the next generation of yakuza.
To awaken the true blood of the onmyouji in him, Rei has to find worthy family members to earn his family guardian spirit’s seal of approval. Watch as he transforms into a man worthy of succeeding the Fujima clan.

“Is that a knife, Fujima-san?”
“Yes, sensei. I’m in the home economics club.”
“... Is that blood I’m seeing?”
“... It’s just spilt tomato juice, sensei. You think too much.”

Shiro Kawamoto (Second Lieutenant) - 2nd Week Apr
Zombie arc
A Regular Day in the Fujima Household
Cherry Blossom Viewing Party
Club Activity Selection Pamphlet and Open House
Hiro Kondo (First Lieutenant) - Late Apr Club Activity Selection
Bancho Challenge
Test & School Ranking
Benjamin Carter (Informant) - Golden Week
Hacker Killer Machines
Kou Andre Dion (AdministratoAdvisor) - Week before Mid-term exams
Mid-Term Exams
Rainy Season (Early Jun)
Aldrich Aikawa (Law Advisor) - Late Jun, Pool Season
Relationship Terrorist
Fuyu Kurosaki (Accountant) - Tanabata to mid-july before summer holidays
Protection Services
Obon Festival & Test of Courage - Summer Holidays
Summer Festival & Fireworks
Order of Meeting:
  1. Shiro Kawamoto (Second Lieutenant) - 2nd Week Apr
  1. A Regular Day in the Fujima Household
  1. Cherry Blossom Viewing Party
  1. Club Activity Selection Pamphlet and Open House
  1. Hiro Kondo (First Lieutenant) - Late Apr Club Activity Selection
  1. Test & School Ranking
  1. Benjamin Carter (Informant) - Golden Week
  1. Kou Andre Dion (AdministratoAdvisor) - Week before Mid-term exams
  1. Mid-Term Exams
  1. Rainy Season (Early Jun)
  1. Aldrich Aikawa (Law Advisor) - Late Jun, Pool Season
  1. Fuyu Kurosaki (Accountant) - Tanabata to mid-july before summer holidays
  1. Obon Festival & Test of Courage - Summer Holidays
  1. Summer Festival & Fireworks
Season 1 End
Note for arc progressions:
submitted by flameangel48 to destinyaitsuji [link] [comments]

Smite God Skin Concepts Part 2: One for Everyone (I Hate Myself)

This was a massive undertaking the first time, the second time upped the ante. Check whatever gods you want, I'm tired.
Achilles - Trojan Horse (Wooden Armour.)
Agni - Greek Fire (A more green approach to agni.)
Ah Muzen Cab - Satyr Swarm (Blow dart type auto and tree based everything else with faeries instead of bees.),
Order of the Bat (Vampire skin replacing bees with bats and honey with blood.)
Ah Puch - Mariachi Madness (Spanish Dia de la Muerte skin, death mask and a maraca.)
Amaterasu - Solar Winds (Solar panel-like armour and a solar surfer a la Treasure Planet.)
Anhur - Ben Anhur (Charioteer skin like Ben Hur.)
Anubis - High Priest (Jackal Hooded Priest.)
Ao Kuang - Protector of the Eastern Sea (A Chinese Imperial type armour.)
Aphrodite - Beauty Queen (Beauty Pageant skin.)
Apollo - Soothing Voice (Therapist skin (pencil projectiles and therapy couch for ult.)), White Rider (A sickly man with a cold that never fades and a horse white as snow, he apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Apollo brings an unending plague.)
Arachne - Fate Weaver (Ethereal type skin (Think Osiris passive.))
Ares - Consuming Flames (Flame effects from any gaps in his armour ie top of boots or out of his shoulder pads.)
Artemis - In The Bushes! (Gillies suit and compound bow.)
Artio - Wild Woman/Druid (Feral Bear and disheveled clothes and hair.)
Athena - Brutal Warlord (Wasteland skin, tire pauldron, spike shield, rebar spear.)
Awilix - Moon.jpg (Dot skin ie Crit.dmg, Tron type ride. If anyone can suggest a better name for this one, that’d be great.)
Baba Yaba - Mortar & Pestle (Poison type skin.)
Bacchus - Lumbersmashed (Axe and Jug of Maple Syrup.)
Bakasura - Death Mantis (Self-explanatory.)
Baron Samedi - Chill Saturday (Stoner type skin, Saturday an allusion to Samedi meaning Saturday in french.)
Bastet - Bast (A dark fur, more sleek design with a classic style cat o’ nine tails whip.)
Bellona - Warrior Priestess (Classic rpg paladin/priestess type skin.)
Cabrakan - Spacial Rift (Galaxy Skin, Swirling nebula for his 3.)
Camazotz - Fruity Bat (Crazy Bat with a white beard and differently sized eyes.)
Cerberus - Turtle of Terror (Turtle stuff and water effects.)
Cernunnos - Outback Tour Guide (Australian kangaroo with boomerang.)
Chaac - Rain Bringer (Gambler type skin, rains money with 3.)
Chang’e - Lounge Singer (Flowing red dress, feather boa.)
Chernobog - Rainbow Raider (Multicoloured crystals, ult surfs in on a rainbow.)
Chiron - Follower of the Sphinx (Horse half is now lion, egyptian garb for human half.)
Chronos - Chronological (Chronos is now a know-it-all scholar.)
Cthulhu - Scientific Abomination (Partially human transforming into tentacle monster.)
Cu Chulainn - Ink Freak (Tattoo artist with a giant tattoo needle.)
Cupid - Humming Hearts (Hummingbird skin.)
Da Ji - Cake Topper (Like the other dessert type skins, ult is a narrow multi tiered cake.),
City Slicer (Kaiju type skin where she sits on a skyscraper.)
Discordia - Tarot Reader (Magician skin, 1 Ball of cards that scatter, 2 the death tarot card below them etc.)
Erlang Shen - Illusory Sage (Holographic armour and pet that's a drone in disguise, illusions flicker.)
Fafnir - Fear-ocious Greed (A Xing type skin where Faf’s head is a void and his armour is spiked and has a face, dragon form and armour are black and red with a similar fire.)
Fenrir - Bloodthirsty Beast (Fire replaced with blood, fur matted and lighter fur to show the blood better.)
Freya - Queen of Blades (Armour with sharper edges, bladed gauntlets etc.)
Ganesha - Club Bouncer (Ult is velvet rope, weapon is a nightstick.)
Geb - Lead Lined (Geb is like a nuclear bunker.)
Guan Yu - Savannah Strider (Guan Yu as an african warrior riding a zebra.), Red Rider (A burly, fiery armoured man with a blood red horse, the apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Guan brings the horrors of War.)
Hachiman - Black Rider (A thin ragged man with tattered clothes and an emaciated horse, the apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Hachiman brings with him a wave of Famine.)
Hades - Killjoy (Bat who laughs type skin with a more yellow colour scheme.)
He Bo - Cumulous Rider (He Bo rides a cloud and fires electricity.)
Heimdallr - Heim Dolly (Cutesy or female skin.)
Hel - Hel & Gel (Wateslime effects.)
Hera - Casting Stones (Hera is a living statue and Argus is more humanoid but also a statue.),
Year of the Jaguar (Hera takes on a mayan appearance and Argus a jaguar.)
Hercules - Zero to Hero (Possibly a Tier 5 where he’s scrawny but as he levels he becomes more buff and develops a godly glow.),
All Rocked Out (Hercules has a guitar, throws a spherical speaker.)
Lernaean Venom (Poison type skin with a hydra head in place of the lion on his arm.)
Horus - Lord of the Air (Horus takes a more regal form with darker feathers and air particles swirling his wings.)
Hou Yi - Sun Kissed (Beach skin with a more tanned mans.)
Hun Batz - Howlin’ Good Time (Party skin, Hun wearing an ironic tee.)
Isis - Mistress of Magic (Isis takes on a more magician look, flourishing with attacks and wings only appearing when she does.)
Izanami - Shrieking Banshee (add screams and a white tattered dress.)
Janus - Dodgeball Champ (sporty skin, 2 and ult dodgeballs, 1 hula hoop portals.),
SWAT Bot (police skin, 3 is a spike strip.)
Jing Wei - Eternal Oath (Jing Wei’s oath continues even if she does not, zombie skin)
Jormangandr - Leviathan (Jorm takes a more sea serpent/dragon appearance, slick instead of scaly.)
Kali - Body Built (either a frankenstein type skin or a bodybuilder, bodybuilder holds barbells and kettlebell.)
Khepri - Pyramid Protector (a sandstone statue skin with sand effects.)
King Arthur - Kingdom Defence (An Imperialistic red and gold arthur with a helm and castle inspired designs for his armour ie. guard tower pauldrons.)
Kukulkan - Firestorm (takes on a phoenix look with fire effects.)
Kumbhakarna - Instiller of Nightmares (Kumba takes on a Chern like appearance, creepy and dark with more spikes.)
Kuzenbo - Swamp Lurker (Creature of the Black Lagoon type skin perhaps with sludge dripping from him.)
Loki - Devious Mugger (an anarchy adjacent skin, mask, switchblades.)
Medusa - Stheno (Medusa takes on the appearance of her sister with bronze claws and tusks.)
Mercury - Speed of Light (Angelic skin with light effects.)
Merlin - King’s Steward (Merlin is dressed like an advisor of sorts, alternate name Elemental Advisor.)
Marlin (Merlin is now a swordfish man.)
Mulan - Chi Master (wears a DBZ style Gi.)
Ne Zha - Blazing Lotus (Beach skin shorts with flame design and a fiery lotus tattoo on his back.)
Neith - Longstockings (Pippi skin.)
Nemesis - Divine Retribution (Purple spiky skin, reference to her shield.)
Nike - V for Victory (V for Vendetta but a woman and colour swapped (white clothes, black mask.))
Nox - Aetherial/Night’s Sky (Wind effects with a toga. This is a reference to her being the mother of Aether, god of the upper atmosphere.)
Nu Wa - Prison Warden (Prisoner minions. In an ideal world, she would have a whip to replace her auto attacks but that's just me. Bastet could get a similar skin but with attack dogs(or cats) and could be her lieutenant.)
Odin - Rune Reader (Magical odin with a conjured Gungnir.)
Olorun - Stairway to Heaven (Heavy metal skin.)
Osiris - Uris (Osiris in all his buff, pre murdered glory, reference to his local name meaning mighty.)
Pele - Vesuvius (Pele takes on a more greek appearance.)
Persephone - Asphodel’s Keeper (An almost lifeless appearance with white birch like tree plants.)
Poseidon - Broseidon (frat bro skin with beer visuals.),
Posei-Don (Mafia skin.)
Ra - Burning Light (Opposite of a void skin, like a sentient ball of light in a vaguely human form)
Raijin - Djembe Destroyer (African inspired drummer.)
Rama - Phantom Arrow (Rama, like his one, can (theoretically) go through walls, ghost skin.)
Ratatoskr - Tree Crawler (Squirrel costumed superhero.)
Ravana - Cyber Stiker (Cyborg skin.)
Scylla - Kylla (Jack the Ripper from Fate skin.)
Serqet - Mantiqet (Manticore skin.)
Set - Emissary of Chaos (Set’s armour resembles Discoria’s wings and looks like a more wild beast.)
Skadi - Cyro-Mech (Skadi takes on a cyborg look and controls a robot dog with her watch. Kaldr’s fangs release liquid nitrogen.)
Sobek - Nile Crocodile (Plushy Sobek.),
Fish Bait (Angler skin.)
Sol - Pyromaniac (Part of a prisoner theme set with Nu Wa.)
Sun Wukong - Delusional Illusionist (Sun Wukong uses his “power of Illusion” to appear as animals and create a decoy. To get to his cloud he climbs a chain link fence, cloud is a bed of barbed wire. Also a part of the Nu Wa Prison set.)
Susano - Manslayer (Susano takes the form of a wandering samurai in the new Meiji era.)
Sylvanus - Call of the Wild (Sylv takes the form of a satyr and treeboi a more Ent-like look with more bramble.)
Terra - Metallic Monstrocity (Terra controls all the earth, including metal ore, which she coats herself in. She takes a similar look as Kevin from Ben 10.)
Thanatos - Pale Rider (An enigmatic figure with an obscured face riding a horse so white, it is nearly translucent. The apocalypse is brought by a quartet of horsemen, Thanatos brings a wave of extinction as Death. He takes to the sky on the back of his noble beast.)
The Morrigan - Morgana (King Arthur’s sis and a powerful mage.)
Thor - Frost-slayer (Thor has a reputation for killing frost giants, this skin would reflect that. His hair is tied up, his armour more streamlined and in line with typical viking armour, a gambeson and chainmail.)
Thoth - Knowledge Seeker (A professor with a voracious appetite for knowledge and a tiny pet ibis on his shoulder, brown suit and all that.)
Tsukuyomi - Yakuza Enforcer (Tsuki uses giant tonfas, or nightsticks, and wears black trench coat hanging from his shoulders, anime style.)
Tyr - Morally Absolute (Compass design on his breastplate (moral compass lol) and as much symmetry as possible including a double edged blade.)
Ullr - Odin’s Successor (Ullr takes his place as Odin’s chosen successor, he would take on kingly attire, including a crown.)
Vamana - Sakura Shogun (Vamana dons a Japanese yukata and umbrella with cherry blossom designs.)
Vulcan - Trapmaster (As revenge for being tossed off of Olympus, Vulcan creates a golden net to ensnare Juno. This would be a younger Vulcan with net launchers on his back.)
Xbalanque - Outback Tracker (Australian hunter skin.)
Xing Tian - Relentless General (The Great General Xing Tian will not be conquered. He faces down armies with his armour donning the face of a demon to strike fear in their hearts. Basic idea is that Xing is still alive and had a face on his chest even before he was decapitated.)
Yemoja - Waves of Darkness (Void effects.)
Ymir - Nordic Earth (As Odin carved earth into existence from Ymir’s body, shouldn’t his body reflect the entire earth? I propose that Ymir have ice at his head and feet and become more tropical in the middle like the actual earth.)
Zeus - Ladykiller(Loverboy?) (Zeus' reputation as a prolific lover is one of his defining traits. As such, he should have a skin that’s younger and more alluring.)
Zhong Kui - Shinto Priest (Japan and China both use paper talismans to ward off evil so I figured why not give him a Japanese skin.)
Everything from here on is just some of my thoughts on this project, so if you don’t care, you can ignore this and stop reading.
This took me a bit longer than last time, but I figured I’d do it again but make it more pleasing to look at. This took a surprising amount of research and effort and I appreciate you taking a gander. I also wanted to put a brief synopsis of group skin ideas at the end and an explanation of some of the skin ideas in part 1.
Prison Escape - This would be an event or battle pass. Nu Wa and Bastet would be the jailors and Sol and Sun Wukong would be the escapees. This roster of escapees could always be expanded later ie, the Devious Mugger Loki skin.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - This would also be an event or battle pass. I picked the gods mostly based on if they had a horse or ult that could work well. Apollo, among other things, is a god of plagues and healing so he fit well for Pestilence. Guan is a war god and fits in similarly well. Hachiman is the outlier for not having any relation to famine, but had a horse so in he goes. Thanatos, as Death, was the most obvious choice but the troubles in animating him a horse to fly on would make him the final tier reward.
Gambler’s Paradise - The first gambler skin I thought of in the first part of this came long before I knew Hera was going to get just such a skin. They would likely come out individually, much like said Hera skin. They include; Game Master Ullr, Death Dealer Hades, High Roller Baron Samedi, Lounge Singer Chang’e and Rain Bringer Chaac. I was also hoping they would take on a prohibition or fifties vibe.
Divine Masquerade - I took a real liking to Isis’ Midnight Raven skin and figured a few more gods could look good in a similar style. These were; V for Victory Nike, Undead Masquerade Ah Puch, Jazz Musician Heimdallr and Night’s Mistress Nox.
Coincidentally, I had a lot of African themed skins. I wanted to give the Yoruba Pantheon more representation because it’ll probably be a while until they get their next rep in Smite. Same goes for Japan, as I took heavy inspiration from anime for a couple of the skins.
Now for things I’d like to expand from the first part of this. DJ Persephone would be better as Underworld Meistro. Golem Tamer Sylvanus would make more sense as Troll Tamer with Vanus remaining a goblin. Vamana’s Beach Bash was mostly because of beach umbrellas and he’s mostly shirtless anyway. Ratatoskr’s Nidhogg’s Vassal was a reference to the dragon at the base of Yggdrasil. Odin’s All Seeing Eye would have two pillars projecting a flaming head with one hole where his working eye is, not just a straight Eye of Sauron rip. Jing Wei’s Sea Tamer was either supposed to be a pirate or a Nereid though I wouldn’t mind both. Izanami’s Portal Mistress was inspired by her ult being a portal and that being Janus’ sphere of influence. Monkey Business Hun Batz was inspired by Punkduck’s Overwatch video.
submitted by RootZepplin to Smite [link] [comments]


We’ve all seen enough gangster movies to know that, when a certain person breaks the rules of a criminal organization, there is a price to pay. This might come in the form of being ‘whacked’ as the Italian Mafia of the East Coast put it, but it may also involve some kind of monetary restitution, paying a little extra to a capo or mob boss as a way of avoiding the other form of punishment mentioned. But in Japan, the Yakuza Clans have another method of atoning for certain transgressions, what is known as ‘Yubitsume’.
Yubitsume can literally be translated to ‘finger shortening’ in English, and is the act of amputating one’s one little finger. It is a Japanese ritual undertaken by those who wish to apologize for offenses to another, just as much a method of punishment as a way to show sincere guilt and remorse to an offended party. It is an ancient and storied ritual of atonement, but these days, it is primarily performed by the Japanese criminal groups known collectively as the Yakuza, one of the world’s most infamous mafia groups. The act of Yubitsume is believed to have originated with a group known as the ‘Bakuto’, commonly acknowledged to be the predecessors of the modern yakuza Bakuto plied their trade in towns and highways in feudal Japan, playing traditional dice games such as hanafuda. They were considered social outcasts, living outside the laws and norms of society, but were often hired by local governments to gamble with laborers, winning back worker's earnings in exchange for a percentage. If a person was unable to pay off a gambling debt, Yubitsume was sometimes considered an alternative form of repayment, a message to other debtors to pay back the money they owed, least they suffer a similar fate. But what made the little finger so significant? The answer is quite simple. In Japanese swordsmanship, known as ‘Kendo’ in Japanese, the little finger's grip is the tightest on the hilt. Therefore, someone who had lost their little finger was unable to grip their sword properly, making them much easier to defeat in a stand up fight, and in turn, making them something of a burden, much more dependent on the protection of others. On top of being intensely painful, the act would mean a lasting humiliating for those that endured it. It was not just a temporary means of punishment, it was something that would effect a person for the rest of their lives.
In order to perform Yubitsume, a person lays down a small clean cloth and lays their left hand onto the cloth facing down. Then, using an extremely sharp knife, often a Japanese Tanto, the person cuts off the section of his left little finger above the top knuckle on the finger or the tip of the finger. They then wrap the severed portion in the cloth and submit the contents graciously to the Godfather of his particular clan, known as the ‘Oyabun’ in Japanese.
If a more grievous offence is committed, then the person moves on to the next joint of the finger to perform the ritual. Multiple transgressions might well mean cutting off portions of the right little finger too, if no more joints of the left finger remain.
The practice of Yubitsume can also be very common among the Yakuza. Their strict hierarchical code means clan members are often found to have broken certain rules, and a Yakuza can be just as recognizable by the absence of sections of their little fingers as they are for the full body tattoos they sport under their well pressed suits. Only unlike the tattoos, which are only inked in places that can be covered up by their clothing, thus essentially concealing their identities from those around them, the absence of their little fingers can be extremely noticeable to those around them. And in recent years, since many Yakuza have sought to leave their various clans, or at least disguise their membership of the organization; and so one Japanese doctor has found himself serving a rather dangerous clientele with a very unusual product.
Thirty nine year old Shintaro Hayashi is prosthetics maker who built a career making silicone body parts for patients with breast cancer, or legs and arms for those injured in serious accidents. But a decade ago, he started to notice a change in the type of person that patronised his Tokyo-based company, Aiwa Gishi. He started to see a steady increase in men who were asking for custom made prosthetic pinkie fingers. Doctor Hayashi says there are three main reasons that Yakuza visit his business. Some clan members are dragged into his office by girlfriends worried about their reputations. Some are former Yakuza who are eager to move up the corporate ladder but worried about the repercussions of their past being exposed. Others are lifelong Yakuza who have no intention of escaping a life of crime, but need to cover up their identity for a some kind of sensitive family based event, such as a wedding or a funeral. The doctor molds silicone prosthetic pinkies, made to seamlessly mask the amputation, making for a smoother transition to the outside world. Priced at nearly $3,000 each, the fingers are carefully painted, to match the exact skin color of the client. Former yakuza members, who make up 5% of Hayashi's business, often keep several sets of fingers for different seasons, a light skinned version for winter or a tanned look for summer. Hayashi has already produced more than three hundred prosthetic fingers, and savours the positive transformation each one brings to the lives of those that wear them. Some Yakuza, who have only been made to cut off a small section of their pinkie finger, are able to hide their lack of appendage by making a permanent fist when in public, but after being forced to commit Yubitsume so many times, there comes a point when certain men can no longer hide their identities. The increasing demand for prosthetic pinkies coincides with an aggressive push to crack down on the yakuza. Gang member numbers have steadily declined, since the Anti-Organized Crime Law went into effect in 1992. But there are still more than 70,000 gang members, according to the National Police Agency.
In recent years, police have clamped down on cash flows, gang activities, and passed measures aimed at pressuring legitimate businesses to cut ties with the mob, which as we may come to learn, has caused excessive levels of Yakuza violence in some areas of Japan.
One ex member of the Yamaguchi-gumi had to undergo Yubitsume a total of four times during his twenty year career in the clan. On the first occasion, he was made to slice the joint of his pinkie to atone for causing a bar fight in which a civilian was beaten up, one which drew unnecessary police attention to the clan. Another was punishment for when one of his underlings was caught taking drugs. As the drug user’s superior, the Yakuza member had to share some of the blame for his actions, and was forced to sever his left pinkie even further. He was made to slice off the remainder of his finger when he decided to cut ties with his former clan completely. The former Yakuza’s current wife convinced him to try and turn his life around after spending years in a Japanese prison, but because he was missing his pinkie, his criminal past was there for all prospective employers to see, so it was almost impossible for him to secure a decent job. “The first time I applied for a job, I got cut after the interview. I couldn't write the truth in my resume because I had been in the yakuza for 20 years” he said during an interview “If you don't have fingers, there's no way to get a sales job. If you put on the finger, you can turn your life around”.
The anonymous former Yakuza managed to hear of Doctor Hayashi after an exhaustive online search for an artisan prosthetics manufacturer, and says his artificial fingers have aided him in his efforts to change his life for the better. He is currently employed by a company that remodels homes, and says he's only once been asked questions regarding his prosthetic fingers. He has to visit Doctor Hayashi at least four times a year for what he refers to as ‘touch-ups’, a procedure that comprises a re-painting of certain discolored parts of the prosthetics. He's amassed more than one hundred fingers over the years, and keeps extras stored away in case of emergencies. “I take off the prosthetic fingers as soon as I get home”, the ex Yakuza adds, “and I never wear them on my days off”.
And so, whenever the COVID-19 travel restrictions come to an end, and you find yourself travelling around Japan, you may find yourself sitting next to someone on the Tokyo metro who has a slightly odd look to one of his pinkie fingers. And if you do, it would be extremely advisable that you’re excessively polite to such a man, because there’s no telling just what horrendous acts of violence he’s committed in the past. Acts of violence he’s not just inflicted on other people, but those he’s inflicted on himself too.
submitted by LetsRead_YouTube to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

The Dragon

I was raised as a Jehovahs witness and I remember being taught that the dragon in the Bible is also the Devil. Later I asked them about is the dragon in the Bible and Revelation and the cultural Chinese Dragon. I got the answer that the Dragon was a symbol for the Chinese emperor but now it is just a symbol for good luck. Apperantly the asian chinese cultural dragon has no connection to the devil-dragon in the Bible. But I clearly remember being taught in childhood that the Devil is also a Dragon.
I have to admit my JW upbringing legit convinced me as a child that chinese culture is kind of satanic.
The Kpop artist G-Dragon legit rubs me to this day the wrong way and make me feel strange.
Plus the fact that the dragon is a symbol among asian mafia in tattoos and amwf porn (which makes
me feel at the same time cringe as f and mildly irritated)
When I read Wild Swans by Jung Chang where she basically wrote her mother had an abortion because she felt she could better serve the Communist Chinese government. That moment I got
"child sacrifice for Communist Party" vibes. And I remembered all the stories from the Old Testament about the caananites sacrificed their children to their gods.
Being raised as a JW by former atheist parent from communist countries as refuges and immigrants
in Sweden , and reading the whole Bible legit fucked me up.
Because according to JWs fetus=child.
My parents were atheist raised during Communism. They only got into Jws after coming to Sweden after my birth because they both studied in Moscow.
But our life did not turn out good and I legit think the JWs are an organization to hunt down communists around the world and reeducate communists children into christianity.
My parents got threathened by social services and mm and my mother fled to Russia.
I still think all of this happened only because of my grandfather being a cuban diplomat in North Korea. My father also never baptised himself into the Jws unlike my mother.
Yes I have read the book by Yeonmi Park "To be able to live" and I can sympathise with her.
But what concerns me more is my grandfather who lives very poor in Cuba and despite being on pension he continues to work. No matter how much I sympathise with Yeonmi Park I am more concerned about Cuba and Russia and why the main population is so poor there.
I am also concerned with the artificial milk-producing companies invading republics not so far from my mothers republic only employing chinese from the mainland and producing crap unhealthy products to sell in Russia.

I remember the JWs literature having the focus on prozelyting "worldly" people especially Chinese in China.
I remember the literature where we were encouraged to "take the step over to Macedonia" where two girls prozelyted to two chinese.
I especially think of this when I discovered the book and movie The Bitter Tea of General Yen.
I also think of it when Jws get jailed for prozelyting in China.
Also I remember in the book "What does the Bible really learn?" there was this picture with an asian woman reading the Bible.
I feel that I have a weird relationship to Asians even thought I am half asian myself. I am half Cuban ,half Tatar. Tatars ara considered minority asians in Russia.
It started with when my blonde best swedish friend Hulda (fake name) father got divorced (the family were JWs) to his swedish wife and married a Thai woman. The swedish wife married an african refugee.
That legit made me start feeling doubt in my religion.
I used to go with my famly to a chinese traditional doctor who was very kind who gave my parents a traditional chinese cooking utensil.
My mother is best friend with a woman from Tajikistan that is Uzbek who was a wealthy woman during communist regime. We also know another woman from Kazakhstan whose dad was a politican but
who seems to have gotten some grudge against my mum. She also did a really mean joke after my fathers death about him being behind the Chernobyl accident just for being a nuclear engineer who worked there at one point.
Only after my fathers death have I seen really how nasty Huldas mother really is when she claimed my mother did wrong by escaping from social services with me to Russia. I told her she was bullshitting and lying. I also hate the posh polish JW woman who claimed I stole her daughters jacket in childhood. Now they just ignore us. I am really disappointed with the Jws and legit think they contacted our family
only to destroy my dad and make his daughter anti-communist.
I also really hate how poorly my parents got treated here despite their higher educations

My parents used to help a Vietnamese family with documents and helping them not getting scammed into laundering money . They were very kind but shortly abrupted our relationship and talking after the wifes vietnamese friend started talking about JWs being bad.
But I remember going to a school where a filipina girl hated me and used to put dirty water in my water drinking bottle. She was in love with a swedish boy from a nationalistic swedish party and was jealous because he showed interest in me. Btw the boy said he was a satanist when I told him I was JW.
Once I tried to make friend s with a Thai boy at school but it did not work out.
When I heard a higher educated russian man on Youtube complain about the asians and their cliques
and how we russians and cenral asians dont have our cliques the same way and how the west hates us russians I have to agree. I relly recommend everybody to listen to the Youtubers Revengestar, Vovan Japan 0.2 and Nazar Ilishev.
I some time read the manga Rosario Vampire with the vampire girl Moka Akashiya and when the russian youtuber Ashiya popped up with the same name it made me feel weird.

I was also really into Vampire knight but then I stumbled upon the website NihongoNews where
they exposed the dark side of Japan and all the red sun flag dark history so I remember when waiting outside a grocery store alone for my mother in Russia I saw an asian dude walking past me with red sun tattoos it made my stomach churn in discomfort. I also remember when I was lying in the hospital in Russia I got harassed for taking communist books from the hospital library to read.
There was this asian dude laughing at me for being shy and not used to talking to guys there.
Also once I got submitted into a psychiatric hospital alone and some asian girl and dude had sex behind a sliding wall while I was tied to bed. I am still angry on my mum for focing me in psychiatic hospitals 2 times just because I could not sleep at night. At the hospital there was also an asian nurse forcing a pill that fell to the floor into my mouth by force.
Also at the endocrinological hospital there was an really gruff , rough, hoarse main doctor without one finger (yakuza sign anybody?) that was really rude to my mum.
These are the 4 weird asians I cant forget. The one with the red sun tattoo ,the rude one ,the one behind the sliding wall and the one missing finger doctor. Watching japanese visual kei videos with the red rising flag makes me SO uncomfortable. I constantly remeber that guy who walked past me when I see that.
Also I got an operation on my stomach. While I was lying in the endocrinological part of the hospital I overheard old babushkas talking about the main doctor and his daugher ruling the hospital being very affluent poeple making the hard working babushkas pretty salty. They also insiniated I had had an abortion even thought I explained it was only the appendix that got removed.
I confronted my mum about it but she stands by that it only was the appendix.
Later I got maredreams and strange thoughts if maybe I was raped during sleep in the other hospital because I remember one day waking up and seeing a weird condom lying in the corridor (I slept in the corridor) and the asian guy quickly moving out after that. I also remember the nurses choosing especially him to once deliver me some pills I had to swallow.
But the most horrifiying memory I have is when the asian guy rolled me in a wheel chair and I remember him whispering some strange words I dont fully remember (dont be afraid?) when they transferred me from hospital to hospital.
I also read about Japan and China and the yakuza from books in the library while I was in my mothers hometown but later strangely these books disappeared.
I also I remember the constant flower kiosk named Sakura and tokyoflower in my city the sudokus selled in every kiosk and after reading all those horrible things about what the japanese did ww2 it just puts bad taste in my mouth.
I really find visual kei intersting with how they portray themselves as demons and its interesting to me that all the foreign visual kei arists are thai swedish, english and from the western world.
Especially SekimaII and their "demons" concept. They remember me of the female russian band U-kei.
I have been watching Kazakh pop the latest years and its unsettling to watch them don kimonos.
I have even seen tatar musicians do it.
I may be revealing to much of my life. But the internet has opened my eyes to how asian diasporas absorb everything around themselves. Reading asian supremacist subreddits here on reddit makes me even more uncomfortable. But my biggest beef that I have is when I read that chinese hate europeans and central asians but then I remembered the traditional chinese doctor named Pan who was so kind
and dismissed it.But there is tons of anti-asian ,anti-chinese info on russian Youtube.
But it is true that ex-communist immigrant dont support and band together judging by all the chinese shops,thai massage salons, indian resturants in my swedish town but no russian or central asian resturants. Even in Cuba I saw a Chinese resturant and saw the stories of the chinese residents in Cuba and the store selling asian, anime and K-dramas in Havana. Also the new Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan movie compared to the Borat movie reminded everyone that the new Han Chinese supremacist narrative is being pushed.
I was always so amused by the fact that Cinderella called the cat Lucifer in the cartoon and the pet dragon in Mulan and speculated over Disneys satanism.
My question is with the chinese dragon in the Bible.
My second question is with contemporary Israel and why is lbgt and femenism and abortion so accepted there if it is prohibited in the Bible. Like doesnt it bother anyone at all that the non-israelite people in the book of Joshua worship the sun and to me they SO much wakes up associations of the red rising sun flag to me ?
Because of this seeing the jewish star in japanese visual kei videos also makes me feel strange.
My father always had a negative opinion on Japan and Israel.
My second is when I saw the music video Ai-dolls -Ai-dolls (kyrgyz pop). Ai means moon in kyrgyz but means love in japanese so that reminded me of the manga Princess Ai and made me uncomfortable.
My cousin studies in China but refuses to tell me how he has it. He had a chinese girlfriend but broke up with her.
His father had a company named Thanks (Rahmat) Tea but his son got brutally murdered so the company died but strangely enough some weird product with the same name started selling while I lived with my mother in Russia. My mothers last name consists of the word Thanks (Rahmat).
My uncle got a sexual disease while flying to buy Indian Tea in India so that really got me thinking.
I dont shame Indian people ,my mother is friends with one.

But I clearly see that chinese culture is anti-Bible. I remember watching the tv-series Empress of China.
There Wu Ruyi (Meiniang) kills a girl named Gaoyang. Later I watched an Youtube video of a chinese man claim that the god in the Bible is the same as the ancient chinese God and he said that Gaoyang means lamb. It felt like deja vu.
I also remember watching a japanese Youtuber in russian talking about japanese mythology that it goes like this: The Japanese god fell in love and procreated with humans and from there went all people. I had biblical deja vu when I heard of this and remembered the band Seikima II.
The thing is: I remember a russian girl magazine adverising the Hinamatsuri , Japanese girl fashion and "The land of the rising Soul" to russian young girls I cannot phantom the sneaky evilness of the japanese people propagating and advertising their culture to young girls only for the young girls to fly to Japan only to realize that Japan is like Saudi Arabia only more advertised and pink.
And I know that japanese culture is actively advertised in Russia.
I remember liking anime ,Sailor Moon and manga and wanting to translate manga into minority language in Russia but when I understood how dark and twistedly obsessed the japanese are with demons it made me think twice. Also 4chan anyone?
Some Youtuber said that if you learn japanese and start reading 4chan you will regret you learned japanese.
What I have learned from the russian Youtuber VovanJapan is 1:Japanese people love themselves very much. I have read traditional japanese poetry and I think it is true judging by the poem "Loving Oneself" I read.
Also remember reading the japanese poem wher the man tells the women "Dont think you cant be replaced and are unique". That kind of attitude also is a turn-off to me.
And asian people reading this and hating me:I dont care.
My uncle was very kind and always gave left-over food to his north koran servants while being a diplomat.
But I really hate all the toxic, hating and bullying by asian and especially japanese people online.
I really dislike their feudalistic ,passive-agressive hating on the Internet.
Just look at all the hate Blinchik in Japan , lolcow farm, pretty ugly little liars , Yoo Lana and other
pretty non-asian ,non-japanese females get. It is sickening.
It is also sickening seeing how russian-speaking men praise japanese women and shit on russian women under Sergey Kuvaevs videos.
I just dont think rasistic, imperialistic, rising red sun-wearing tattooed asians should be walking around in my mothers home town and make innocent girls like me feel unsafe.
I see VovanJapans YT channel get taken down and it makes me think he speaks the truth.
The film Interdevochka also got a price in Japan I think that talks about something.
You can read my post as fiction from planet X.
I have read beutiful japanese traditional poetry and japanese mythology.
But I have also read ugly japanese comment hidden by anonimity on the internet and it makes me disgusted.
Like the only thing I can think of is the son Katoosha by AKB4.
But I have read russians saying it is very had to talk to japanese people because they are so quiet
and you have to force words out of them.
I think Japan is like the dentist clinic in Sailor Moon :Kawaii -Hawaii on the outside but horrifying on the inside.VovanJapan said that they do medical experiments on foreigners in Japan. I always think of Viagras music video Anti.-Geisha where a japanese girls shoots at you throught the TV.Or In-Yans music video Kamikaze.
I saw japanese hair salons and a sushi shop in my mother russian hometown.
I know a mongolian woman that works in a sushi shop here in sweden that has two married mongolian relatives living in japan working for a japanese car company.
Why do we russians celebrate the Victory over Germany , but not over Japan?
Why is there a monument remembering the japanese soliders in Russia?
Why do we Russians allow this to happen?
Why do we russians not stand up for ourselves?
I have watched DenTV and they tell about how the japanese think we russian dropped the bombs on them.It makes me sick.
I think that in japanese culture the concept conscience does not exist. At least judging y russian DenTV that is the case. They have shame culture but dont have the concept of sincere regret.
Of course I have never met japanese people in real life.
But I dont intend to try to Skype to a silent robot and try to force words out of them forcefully.
If any japanese think otherwise they can comment below.
I probably wont comment anyway as I am sick of seeing americans shit on Cuba and Russia in general.
So I am preparing for the communist haters!
I have teo questions:
1.Did the japanese ask forgiveness from Russia for their war crimes occuping Russia up tot the Uralic Mountains?
2.If not , What do they want from us crating Youtube channels saying they are proud of their forefathers who were soliders doing their duty in (Tatarstan) and marrying russian women?
Showing the monument commerating japanese soliders?
But the think making me most angry is when DenTV said japanese spies create anime communities in russian on the internet telling russian youth to commit suicide. That is the definition of going over all

The japanese really are Jorogumos on the World Wide Web searching for naive innocent flie-like russian youths to ensnare and push to sucide!
submitted by TatarCubanGirl to u/TatarCubanGirl [link] [comments]

Kevin Meets the Yakuza, or the Devil has your back Kevin

So this is my first post so I apologize for any formatting issues, and for those that don't know what the Yakuza are, they are basically the Japanese mafia.
So, lets call him, James gets a call one day from Kevin telling James that he has found this great new bar in the city that we live near. It's a major US city with a very diverse population so not surprising.
He starts telling James that they have really good music, drinks and it has karaoke too and that he is really enjoying the place. He tells James that all the other patrons are these really cool Japanese guys that are covered in tattoos and seem to really like him. He says he seems to have made friends and they gave him a nickname "Gaijin" and are laughing "with" him a lot. He even says all the women working their are really pretty and friendly to him as well.
At this point in time Kevin knows basically nothing about Japan or the culture (eventually he became a massive otaku), but knows that James is knee deep in the culture and such and thought he would be interested. James gets incredibly worried knowing that tattoos, especially a lot of them, most likely means that Kevin walked into a Yakuza bar. Getting worried for Kevin he asks him if any of them are missing and fingers.
Kevin thinks it's a weird question but looking around realized that several of them are missing parts of their pinkies and maybe even some of them are missing ring fingers. He basically tells James "yeah it's weird a bunch of them are mostly it looks like pinkies, whats up with that?"
James immediately get freaked out fearing for Kevin's well being as his fears are confirmed, and immediately screams at him through the phone to get the hell out of the bar as quick as he can as this is a Yakuza bar and he could end up getting hurt. Kevin not understanding is basically nonchalant not understand, even after James explains what the Yakuza are.
At this point James basically prays that Kevin doesn't do anything, or say anything stupid to anyone, which as anyone that knows a kevin, will happen. Some how it doesn't and for some time this became his bar of choice and the Yakuza became his bakaraoke buddies.... well until the bar gets raided.
Which leads to part II of this story and the next level up for him in Kevin-ness. So a few months later James gets another call from Kevin telling him some else weird happened at the bar. James is again worried that Kevin is going to get himself killed or some other terrible thing.
Fearing what he is about to hear, he asks Kevin what happened. Kevin tells James that there are all these cop cars and other vehicles that look all government-y surround the front of the building. He then tells James that he went inside which was hard because all this tape covering the doors and such.
And even more so he got yelled at by this guy that said he was a detective when he got in. Then the guy was getting pushy with questions like "what are you doing here, who are you?" etc. They realized that he was basically a complete moron that had no idea what he had walked in on, took his information down in case they actually needed him and let him go.
This is when he had called James. James actually had to explain to him that what he had just done was walk into a police raid on the bar and that this basically proved his "friends" were Yakuza. James also tells him that he is lucky they didn't arrest his ass as come kind of accomplice or associate of them.
After basically being told that he basically avoid possible prison or jail time for being associated with international criminals, his only response what to get disappointed that he would have to find another bar, and how hard it will be to find one that is as good as this one.

Sorry this is so long, I had to make sure to do this justice. This dude has so many other stories from so many people that we all can't actually remember them all. Many of them are sound basically unbelievable, but this man has the devils luck. It's the only reason he hasn't actually been put in prison, severely injured or killed. Half the time the only people that believe them are those that have witness his luck first hand.
Let me know if you guys want other stories of his escapades. Fair warning he went from a mostly innocent person at the time of the story to a pretty horrible human being, so some of the stories may not be quite as "lighthearted" as this one. And thanks for listening.
submitted by Plaidlock to StoriesAboutKevin [link] [comments]

I'm just kinda upset rn

This made me so upset I need to say something. In reality it's probably pretty small but hey it still bothered me.
So I run this modern fantasy rp server with two other people. One of those people we're going to call Ember. So me, Ember, and the third member each made a gang of sorts in the server. Their's is more mafia and Yakuza based. Mine is more of an assassin thing.
So today Ember said that she was going to make a character for my gang. I was like oh, dope. I have no problem with that. Then they made the character and I think it's a bit op.
Like first off the ocs backstory is pretty generic. No parents had abusive adopted parents. Killed and started liking it. That's not too bad. I mean the backstory isn't too important in our rps so eh. What really made me mad was that Ember just had to make hers the bestest one in my gang. Which I don't like.
So in the gang they have tattoos to show kills. And Ember's oc has SO MANY that the uniform needed to be altered just for her so her tattoos won't show (even though the og uniform already covers the entire body and they wouldn't be seen.). She's just the best outta all of them. I don't like that and think it's op.
Like I wouldn't make a character for Ember's gang and be like "aww they're the best and so badass and they've killed more than the boss has" why? Cause it's isn't right! At least not to me. And I don't like op Characters like that. They aren't fun.
Again, this is a small thing but it bothers me cause I find it kinda rude. Is that just me? I hope I explained it well enough on my side could at least be understood.
--UPDATE-- I've told Ember my problems with her character and she said she was going to remove the Character until she made them less op. She was chill with it and apologized.
submitted by Demidemongoddess to BadRPerStories [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 21

First| Previous| Next
“He’s so cool. So handsome.”
“He must be a talent or something. Look at his eyes!”
Goemon’s magnetism for attention as they rode the train into central Osaka was not aiding their efforts to blend in at all. They stood by the doors between the long benches of seats down either side of the train where groups of girls sat, giggling and pointing. Jesse tried to stay concealed behind Goemon’s bulk, tightening the draw strings on her hooded jumper. Along with her large sunglasses, it made sure her face was well hidden.
Goemon had been loving every second of their adventure in this strange new world. Now he was sweating and pale green, hardly even able to speak. How could someone who could basically fly feel motion sickness?
“Jesse, it’s the next stop,” the Priest said directly into her head. It was such a strange feeling.
Goemon nodded with effort.
Merlin’s magic was, for a change, working. But it didn’t sit well with her.
Jesse felt a mix of emotions. Anger. Relief. Frustration. She had almost agreed with Goemon when he suggested throwing Merlin back in the tomb along with the corpse of the giant. He hadn’t been joking.
Merlin had found a weapon, but in the process of doing so, nearly killed them all, unleashing something not only evil, but incredibly powerful. A Demon, no less. In typical Merlin fashion he had then revealed to her the extent of his troubles, what he had been holding back. It wasn’t just his magic, but rather the whole world’s magic that was in peril.
It was a lot to take in. It always was. But that wasn’t the worst of it.
She had taken a life.
It had happened so quick she was still confused. She saved Taro from certain death. She made the right choice, she was sure. But the man had been possessed; an innocent soul for all she knew. She had cried as Merlin said a prayer and Goemon had tossed his body to the roots.
“He would probably thank you for freeing him, Jesse.” Merlin had said, but it didn’t help the guilt.
It was only made worse by the memory of the rushing relief she had felt as his life had flooded into her, easing the pain from the missing piece, and making her crave more.
There had been no silver lining to the incident, nothing surfacing from beyond the veil in her mind. Her memories it seemed, were more firmly locked away than ever.
The phone in Jesse’s pocket rumbled, distracting her from her conflicting thoughts. Pulling it out, she looked at the screen.
“From what I and Excalibur can sense, the Demon is somewhere in this area,” Merlin’s voice rattled around in her head.
The screen highlighted a mapped area, full of narrow roads and shops.
“Exit the next stop and leave the station,” the Priest said.
Merlin’s disastrous attempt at using his power had afforded one breakthrough, however. When he had transformed Kuma he had realised something, a connection between magic and the conflicting powers of technology.
Taking an old phone he had been experimenting with, and while holding Jesse’s hand, he had been able to make it ‘spark to life’, as he called it. Now he could connect to and control it from afar, see everything they could and more. The phone’s screen had a strange blue hue spilling from the edges like leaking gas. Across the back were blue and red pulsing veins. The battery remained firmly at 100%.
“This contraption,” he had excitedly declared, “however small, marks the first joining of technology and magic. A true marvel, and a hope for the future.”
It allowed Merlin to be with them, without being there, which was perfect. He had wanted to come, but Jesse had refused. She couldn’t risk it. Wouldn’t risk it. Even leaving him at the temple with the priest had filled her with dread. At least Kuma was there now.
Kuma : It truly had been a miracle. On a whim she had tried to connect with the canine, for Taro’s sake, not expecting anything. But it had worked, and the pure feelings she had felt radiating from the beast’s heart had been almost too beautiful to believe. It was like nothing she had never felt before. Without a doubt, the dog was now as bound to her as Goemon was and possessed a transformation just as terrifying. Before they had departed he had happily transformed to reach and lick her face with a huge slimy tongue, before switching back to his smaller size in an instant, wagging his tail excitedly in a way that said,” hey, look what I can do!”
There was no question of him joining them, however. As strong as his bond was to Jesse now, it was nothing for what the beast felt for Taro. He would never leave his side.
So now she had an uncontrollable and dangerous wizard, a kind of bird-man beast samurai, and a dog that could transform into a monstrous super-wolf.
She sighed. It felt like she wasn’t quite doing this right, but it was better than being alone.
“Tenjinbashi-roku-choume, Tenjinbashi-roku-choume, ashi moto go chui kudasai”
The train speakers announced their arrival at the station.
‘Tenjinbashi-roku-choume’ station : just north of the heart of Osaka. The train ride had only been 30 minutes, but the scenery had quickly transformed from sprawling country side to big city lights. The only thing Goemon had recognised aside from the creek in the mountains was the wide river they had crossed before arriving at the station. The shimmering water had made his eyes momentarily flash with excitement, before closing as the train rocked from side to side.
The temple, Merlin and the others, were back in Minoh, a city in the North of the prefecture. The temple was deep in the mountains, nestled along a winding creek that led to the waterfall they had heard while escaping the tomb.
Jesse looked around, spotting foreigners of all kinds among the crowds. No doubt they would be holidaying, sightseeing, having fun, maybe even venturing to the waterfall.
And Jesse, what was she here to do?
To kill. Again.
The thought sent shivers down her spine. What was she becoming?
And the Demon, if he kept body skipping, what would she do? Just keep killing? The feeling of wanting to run away crept in her thoughts, but she couldn’t. She had helped Merlin escape the tomb. She had forced him to try and find the weapon. It was her fault, and she had to deal with it. Besides, it wasn’t even a choice; there was no one else.
People bustled past her hurriedly, making Goemon and her flow with the crowd towards the steps leading up and away from the platform. Jesse gripped Excalibur’s hilt in her pocket, willing herself to stay calm.
The sword had shrunk down to just its base, Goemon’s doing the same, much to his disappointment.
“Excalibur can choose its form,” Merlin had reminded them as it had shrunk conveniently into her palm.
The crowds rose up the stairs and out in the night air. It was cooler than the day, but still warm. The smell of food filled their senses. People rushed all around, busy and uninterested in her and Goemon as they made their way home from work or dinner late at night. Bright lights shone from the buildings surrounding them, causing Goemon’s neck to arch back and stay there, frozen in awe.
“Across the street is the Shoutengai. Go there,” the priest said.
Glancing across the intersection that was next to where they had emerged, she could see a large arched entrance that jutted out from under a tall building. Bright lights and shops beckoned within.
After patiently waiting for the lights to change, they crossed and entered the high-ceilinged space. Inside, the long arcade stretched far away into the distance, curving out of view near the end.
Following the phones directions, they walked through, Jesse’s nerves and Goemon’s wonder at everything making the pace slow. Shops, restaurants and strange places passed them by as noise assaulted them from all directions. Adverts and music, noisy arcade like buildings, karaoke bars and pachinko parlours. Shop staff stood in their way and greeted them with a bow, coaxing to them to go inside.
All the smells were getting to Goemon, who was salivating as he stared lovingly through the windows and counters, following slightly behind Jesse. Jesse was too nervous to really take in her surroundings, instead focusing on the phone and the map. The few times she had made eye-contact with the workers in their path she had felt compelled to awkwardly bow as they did.
They had been slowly making their way down the arcade for 10 minutes, and still it meandered on. Merlin suddenly spoke.
“Turn here, Jesse. Go down the small alleyway to the left. Stop somewhere and wait for a moment. He is close.”
To Jesse’s left was a narrow alley, with small shop serving small dumpling like things straight on to the street. They entered the alley, coming to a stop a bit further down by a standing-bar. They stepped up onto the small deck that was bordered by a rail. A western-looking man with dread-locked hair nodded politely as they did, and the barman came to their attention, offering a small bow. Jesse responded in kind.
Goemon started for a moment at the dread-locked man, appraising him with a raised eyebrow, before turning to the barman.
“One beer, and tea for my girlfriend.” He smiled as he spoke, which turned into a laugh as he saw Jesse’s face go red.
“You need to relax, J,” he said as they received their drinks, along with a chilled towel.
How could she relax? Her heart was thundering inside her chest. The Demon was nearby. There were so many people. She would be seen. What if…
“Oi,” Goemon said as he grabbed her shoulder and bent down to look her in the eye, “you’re not alone. I’m with you. It will be OK.”
“I’m fine, G, really I am. Don’t worry about me.”
With a slap on Jesse’s shoulder he turned back to the bar, swigging his beer as he lent back on the rail, wiping his forehead with the towel. Using the letters of their names instead of the full ones was a precaution they had thought to take, but it sounded so weird and forced to do it. Even Goemon’s name, the priest had said, would attract attention.
Jesse nervously played with Excalibur’s hilt in her pocket. It tingled to her touch, as if the sword itself were also anticipating the worst.
“You’re Japanese is better than mine! Where are you from?” the barman asked as he took a note from what Goemon had left on the bar; only a small portion of what the priest had given them.
Before she could reply however, there was a sudden rush of bodies behind. A dozen men in suits swept through.
“Yakuza,” the barman said, his face drawn with worry, “lots of Yakuza. Something is happening.”
The man at the end of the bar nodded. He seemed to be staring intently at Jesse and checking his phone. Had he realised who she was, or was Jesse letting her paranoia get the better of her?
Before she could do anything but nervously smile, there was another rushing of feet down the alley. This time, it was not men in suits, but in uniform. Police.
“Yep, might need to close up early tonight.” The barman said with a wry smile.
“The Demon is located further down in the alley. He’s possessed a gang member of some kind. There are many of his people with him, drinking at a bar that opens into the street. Be careful, Jesse. These men are dangerous.”
It was Merlin’s voice. Somehow he was looking ahead.
Goemon finished his beer.
“Let’s go take a closer look.”
They waited a moment before departing, and then went down the alley. It was like a maze of interconnecting paths and roads that kept to no pattern, with people drinking, eating and laughing everywhere. Hanging lights and lanterns provided soft light that gave the place a warm and cosy aura; completely at odds with how Jesse felt. Various pieces of music played from the myriad of vendors while delicious smells of cooked meat and other food filled the space with a mouth-watering fragrance.
As they ventured further down however, the number of patrons became less, the noise dying out. More shops were closed, people hurriedly moving away in the other direction.
Then they saw the policemen coming back their way. Oddly, they were smiling, laughing and completely relaxed.
“Let’s get a beer or something guys, no problems here.”
Goemon and Jesse exchanged glances. Goemon knew the law when he saw it, and was just as bemused as her, as they watched the men pass. Jesse felt a cold and heavy presence around the mean, like she was wading through cold and thick fog.
“This feeling,” Goemon said, “is the Demon. It’s just like when he tried to possess me.”
It became thicker as they walked on, turning a corner to see a large group of suited men sprawled around some outside seating of a bar that had a Hawaiian theme. They were loud, laughing and drinking heartily. The staff looked scared.
All the other shops were empty. Around the street, a few men lay badly beaten and bruised.
Goemon pulled her out of view as they looked on. Merlin’s voice buzzed in their heads.
“This kind of Demon strives for power, constantly skipping between those it finds superior; it is no surprise he has found such men. He can assume their power, their knowledge, their skills, their very identities. Others are drawn to him. A master manipulator. Proceed carefully.”
It looked to be true. The men around him seemed to hang on his every word as he spat them loudly between gulps of drink. Every now and he would turn to a man slumped back in a chair behind him, punching him harshly across the face to cheers of the others. Blood trickled freely from the mans head and swollen cheeks. Jesse wasn’t even sure if he was still alive.
Like a robot a young waitress neared the table where he sat, passing more drinks to the men. Her expression was blank and unblinking.
“We can just stand here while he hurts people. We have to help,” Jesse said to Goemon.
Now was probably the best chance they were going to get. Few bystanders. Few witnesses. Best of all, they all seemed to be gang members. A lack of innocent definitely helped Jesse’s conscience.
“That body he possesses looks like an ordinary man.” Goemon said.
“Do not be fooled, Goemon.” said Merlin, “Demon of his ilk possess many powers.”
The comment didn’t stop Goemon, who stepped confidently out, ignoring Merlin’s warning. Jesse followed.
Almost immediately the Demon’s head lifted. He stopped talking and stood.
“My friends, it appears we have visitors.”
Without a word, the men around him turned to face her in one smooth motion, and then remained completely still, as if frozen.
“Goemon, I’ll go for the main guy. You fly in and get that injured man out of there. He doesn’t look like he’ll last much longer. Get the other guys who are hurt, too.”
Goemon breezed past, his hair and skin igniting in a flurry of black and golden feathers as he seemed to float before zipping away.
A blast of wind hit the tables where the men sat, sending them flying and sprawling to the ground. In a flash, the man who had been seated behind them was gone, and Goemon was back, depositing him beside Jesse.
Goemon stumbled as he let them down, clutching his head. Black blood dripped from his nose.
“The bastard is doing something,” he said between grunts, “the closer you get, the more you feel it. Argh!” Goemon cried out in pain.
“He is growing in power, Jesse.” Merlin said through their connection. The sound was distorted, as if being disrupted by another, stronger signal.
“Can you do something, Merlin?” Jesse asked.
“I, er, I…”
It was probably better not to ask.
“Goemon, get the other guys and stay with them,” Jesse said as she began to walk forward.
The Demon’s eyes were wide as he recognised her despite her guise, the smile fading from his face into a hard frown.
“Tell me, little princess, how many people are you willing to kill?”
Jesse didn’t reply.
“Let us see. Get her,” he ordered.
Jesse grasped Excalibur’s hilt. She only wanted to use it on the Demon.
“Excalibur lend me your power, but no armour, no sword. Not yet.”
She tried to relax, to feel the power as it surged through her. Follow it, she told herself.
The men rushed forward. The one nearest threw a punch, she ducked, ramming her fist into his stomach. Lifting off the ground he slammed heavily into a nearby shop grate. The next, seeing how easily his ally had been thrown, thought better of his fists, producing a small knife he slashed at Jesse as she rose. It passed her face and she grabbed the man’s arm. Spinning round and leaning her weight into a throw, she let go, his arm snapping as he tumbled over the ground.
Against Goemon, her strength had seemed almost normal. Now she could see that she was much stronger; the man had felt near weightless. It filled her with confidence.
Something else was tingling at the edge of her perception, a sense of those round her and how they moved, like a pressure in the air. Was this something from Goemon?
She darted forward. 5 more men. The Demon just stood, watching. Then he smiled.
Like a thousand children crying in chorus, a scream erupted in Jesse’s mind, as if their high-pitched voices were vibrating red-hot barbed-wires that were dragging through her brain. She stumbled, falling to the floor as a boot of the nearest thug reached her stomach. Slam.
“Just who are you…”
The air rushed out of her. She heard the Demon’s voice, a crawling whisper in her head.
“Kind of empty in here, isn’t it? Hahaha…”
Jesse jumped up, blocking a blow to the head. Her hood flew back, hair whipping around her face as her sunglasses flew off.
Aiming for a chin, she threw her weight upwards, striking hard. The man left the ground as she spun to face the next. But she was a second too late.
A shot rang out.
Searing pain ripped through her stomach.
Bang. Bang.
Jesse fell back.
A gust of wind sailed past her as she felt Goemon’s arms wrapping around her body.
More shots. Thud. Thud. Thud.
With incredible speed they returned to the end of the alley, landing next to the men Goemon had saved. Jesse looked down.
Around her mid-section, gold armour swelled and glowed in pulses, bright spots dotted through it marking where the bullets had entered.
“Jesse, I was unable to stop all of the damage,” Excalibur said, “you are hurt, we must retreat.”
“I’m shot?” Jesse said in disbelief. How stupid. Of course they would have guns.
Goemon too, was in pain, slumping beside her and clutching his side. Looking across at him, she was suddenly overcome at how futile everything seemed. Excalibur was no match for bullets. No match for a Demon who could control people’s minds. What was she even doing here? Was this all a joke?
The men slowly approached, their guns still drawn. Moving in for the kill.
The pain in Jesse’s head still throbbed with every strained beat of her heart, growing in intensity as the Demon strode through his men. Suddenly, he stopped.
“What the hell are you idiots doing?!” A voice roared from behind the group. Alone, a man approached. Tall and slim, he was well-dressed in a sleek black suit. He wore no tie on a bright red silk shirt, unbuttoned towards the colour to reveal a thick gold necklace over complex tattoos. A pony tail that pulled back his slick hair ran down wide shoulders. His eyes were alive with fury set in a gaunt face that was sharp and jagged, the cheek bones high and prominent. His voice boomed through the men.
“Jesse, you need to get out of there, now!” Merlin shouted, his voice in a panic.
From the man’s side, he drew a long blade that slid slowly from its holder, a note of pure misery playing as the sword scrapped against the sheath. Jesse’s heart lurched in her chest as a deep sorrow engulfed her, silencing the screeching that had been in its place.
“That’s it, that’s the sword. It’s….” Merlin’s voice crackled and disappeared.
The sword. All Jesse could do was watch as the Demon turned to face the man. Panic flared in his eyes.
“Shoot him! Shoot him now!” he yelled at the men around him, who suddenly began to move on their own accord, staring around as if confused as to what was happening.
“Okamoto Kumicho!” some of the men said, dropping to the ground and bowing deep, their heads touching the floor.
Kumicho : the head of a Yakuza group. Jesse stared as the translation worked in her head. As if things couldn’t get any worse. These men were all part of the Japanese mafia.
“Shoot me?!” Okamoto shouted, “I am their leader. I am your leader! I took you from nothing and made you the man you are, Okajima! And this is how you repay me? By starting a war? By rampaging across half of Osaka and then doing this? What have you done?!”
The beautiful sword was now fully out from its sheath, reflecting the lights in the small alley down it’s length. As the man’s rage grew, the sword seemed to shine brighter.
The Demon was looking around, as if trying to find someone to flee to.
Jesse felt it too. Okamoto’s gaze seemed to lock all those it gazed upon in place, his aura paralyzing them in fear. It seeped down the alley to her: the most pure and horrific evil she had evil felt.
She wanted to run, but could not, her body crying out at the slightest of movement as her strength failed her. Goemon lay next to her, passed out but breathing. They both needed help.
This was no fairy tale; she had got shot. What did she think was going to happen? How naïve had she been? Was she going to die here?
Sharp pain began to meet her strained breathing as she failed to tear her gaze away from Okamoto. The sword he held seemed to call out to her, mocking her with waves of energy that rocked her like tides at sea, each one viler than the last.
That evil thing was meant to be her salvation. Her only hope. The thought of joining with such a weapon made her want to vomit. There just had to be another way.
“Die!” Okamoto shouted as he sprang forward. He moved in a flash, the sword swinging out as it cut through the air towards the Demon , who didn’t move. Couldn’t move.
The Demon’s body exploded into a cloud around the man as the sword ran through him. As if trying to run, the cloud burst in Jesse’s direction, only to be drawn back in as the sword twisted around. Okajima’s eyes went black.
“Okajima! What the hell is this?” Okamoto shouted.
“Kumicho…forgive me.” Okajima hissed through his teeth as the blackness rippled over his eyes.
Black smoke began to fizz and hiss over the exposed parts of the sword, smoke burning from it as the cloud was drawn in.
Okajima fell away to the floor as the last wisps of smoke trialled up the sword and into the hilt. Jesse swore she heard the Demon scream as a black sheen glimmered over the swords surface, and then disappeared.
Okamoto dropped to his knees, breathing hard and sweating. His eyes were open and wild.
“This power…,” he whispered.
One of the men ran to his aid.
“Kumicho…” he squealed.
The sword flickered, and the man fell.
“You have all betrayed me!” Okamoto screamed as he rose.
Panicked yells rang out in the alley as each man perished in quick order, hardly moving as Okamoto dispatched them one by one, as if resigned to their fate.
Then he turned to her.
Jesse blinked, her eyes failing. She was exhausted, could barely even keep them open. The armour that covered her in places was fading.
“Excalibur…” she called with her mind, but there was no answer. There was simply too much damage.
“You…I know you,” Okamoto said as he approached. Specks of blood covered his face, matching the deep red of his shirt.
“The girl from TV…but more than that. You called to me. Your sword…” He pointed at her hand that clutched Excalibur’s hilt.
“You were looking for us,” he said, running his fingers across the blade as blood dripped from it to the floor.
As he fingers trailed off the end he pointed the sword at her. His eyes flicked to Goemon, drawn to the feathers that were retreating down his neck and growing around the place of his injuries.
“What the hell is all of this?” Okamoto whispered.
“Yoshi!” a voice broke out behind him.
An old man approached, followed by several men in suits who kept their distance, weapons drawn as they stepped through the slain men on the street. He had a long white beard and wore a pure white kimono. Calm seemed to radiate from him as he bowed his head, only a little more than a nod.
“Tsukasa,” Okamoto hissed,” I have dealt with this. Justice has been served.”
“I wouldn’t call this, Justice. Put your sword away, Yoshi,” Tsukasa said, “if you can.”
Tsukasa’s gaze was firmly on Okamoto’s blade, as if he couldn’t look away. At his own waist was an almost identical but smaller version that remained sheathed. Tsukasa gripped it tightly.
Okamoto scowled, but slowly began to bring the sword around, placing the tip at the edge of the scabbards entrance. He didn’t even look as his fingers guided it into position, keeping his gaze on Tsukasa. It paused at the rim.
Okamoto’s arm jerked and spasmed as he began to groan. A low rumble emanated through the alley as a wind swept through, bustling around his body.
“Argggghhh!” Okamoto screamed, slamming the sword into the scabbard with a high-pitched whine of steel. The heavy aura that had pervaded through the space was suddenly gone. Okamoto’s deep breaths were rough against the silence. His hand dropped away from the hilt, bloody and raw.
The men behind Tsukasa ran to the aid of the young man who lay next to Goemon, also helping the others who had regained consciousness. Tsukasa nodded to Jesse and Goemon too, and then men helped prop them up from the floor.
“What are you doing, old man,” Okamoto spoke, his voice low and tired.
“Taking them with me. If the boy survives, war may be avoided. If he dies…”
“You would dare go to war with me? You would risk everything? Who is he?”
“I would have no choice, old friend. Daisuke is the son of a prominent family. They hold great power within the Kazeyama-kumi. We live and die by the rules, Yoshi. Even you and I.”
“Tsukasa…I am so close to our dream. Don’t do this.”
“Your dream, old friend. It is out of my hands.” Tsukasa said, looking down.
Okamoto didn’t answer. He looked at Jesse.
“Why is she here?”
Tsukasa looked over toward Jesse. If he was surprised, nothing was betrayed on his face.
“If she had not been, Daisuke would be dead. We both owe them our gratitude.”
“But she is the girl from TV…she has power…they were looking for me…” Okamoto trailed off, a look of confusion coming over his face. He shook, shaking his head and standing straight, regaining composure before he spoke again.
“Do as you must. I will await your decision. If there is war, you know what will happen.”
“I do.”
Tsukasa fixed his gaze on Jesse and simply nodded as Okamoto walked past. The men behind quickly moved out of his way as he went through, jumping into a car at the end of the alley and speeding off.
Jesse was fading. Fast. Darkness reached from their edges of her vision. The pain didn’t even seem that bad anymore. She felt down to where it was, and lifted her hands. Slick red ran off her fingers.
“Miyakegawa Kumicho, we must move. The police are coming.”
Tsukasa nodded, and Jesse felt herself being lifted as she closed her eyes.
“Jesse! Jesse! Can you hear me? Are you ok?” Merlin’s voice suddenly shouted in her mind.
Jesse gave in to the warm feeling spreading through her body and fell into its dark embrace.
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submitted by FatDragon to redditserials [link] [comments]

{F4A} {D} {3rd} She-Ra, RWBY, Apex Legends, My Hero Academia, Persona 5 and Hollywood-esque ideas!

Hi everyone! Its summer, and that means more roleplay partners! I do paragraph form roleplaying in 3rd person over Discord, canon characters only for fandoms, I'm not looking for OC'S at this time. I don't always do regular postings but I always, always have time to share ideas with my partners.
First up is She-Ra 2018, and I’m totally caught up, finale and all! I'm open to pretty much anything with this series, AU or canon wise, but I would love to do something involving Catradora! I've seen people do pirate, band, magical school and so many different AU's, I would love to try them all! One of my favorites is a She-Ra AU with the bending abilities from the Avatar series, including an Avatar Adora and her friends, water bending Glimmer and sharp shooter Bow, being pursued by fellow firebender Catra!
Second is RWBY, and again, I'm open to plenty of ideas with this, but I have a slight preference towards AU's for this series. I don't mind trying out new ships, the only die-hard one I don't like mixing with other ships is Arkos, but anything else, I'm up and willing to try! I would love to dive deeper into Ren and Nora's relationship, or how characters would act in a more dangerous or even horror setting. I'm ALSO HOWEVER A HUGE SUCKER FOR DOMESTIC LIFE WITH SOME FUN AND LOVING SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS
Third is Apex Legends, and with this one I'm looking specifically for something involving either Wattson, Mirage, Wraith, Octane or Lifeline. I'm a fan of both in-game and AU ideas as long as your ok with me still learning how to do fight scenes. I'm REALLY keen on finding a Mirage to my Wattson, or someone to pair with Gib!
Fourth is My Hero Academia, and like my previous post, I'm looking for AU's! One idea I've come across is of Class 1-A graduating and becoming heros, only to learn later down the line as pros that the system isn't all its cracked up to be, and some ditch the public eye to becoming vigilantes (And before you ask, I haven't had the chance to read the spin-off of the same name, but definitely will be!) I've also seen Battle Royale versions of this and would love to work off that. I'm pretty much up for anything when it comes to this series right now!
Fifth and final is Persona 5, and I'm huge into AU's for this series. I've seen anything between mafia/yakuza to pirates and princesses, so I'd love to talk more about this with someone. We could do post P5R events, or a separate path/scenario, or even something a bit darker that's set in a modern world. I'm a huge fan of really big and really loud Phantom Thieves, maybe something similar to a GTA style heist, with planning, getting ready, the heist itself and the days following.
For AU'S, I would love to do any of the following;
Hollywood AU - Something similar to the Netflix show of the same name, or something set in a 40's-60's Hollywood era. Maybe one character is the American Sweetheart type of person but can’t sing or act, while the other is incredible at their craft, but is too wild and carefree to apply themselves to it?
Battle Royale/Hunger Games AU - I love characters fighting to the death, or being pitted against each other with heavy doses of drama in between. If you don't mind having some fan favorites going at each other for survival, I'm the girl to get in contact with!
AI and Human - Enough said! Just looking for some space/futuristic stuff where an AI and human are friends, but relationships continue to grow
Fallout/Apocalypse/Zombie AU - I would love to have characters travel across New Vegas or zombies eating at each other!
Darker ideas/Horror and drama - I live for darker ideas (with a few exceptions), especially in the horror categories!
Just normal AUs - Bring on your coffee shop au's and your florist/tattoo shop ideas!
With all of this being said, please, PLEASE don't contact me if you plan on starting off with "hey i wanna do a ___ roleplay" and then proceed to lead me in circles with "Idk" or "Whatever you want". Come to me with ideas beforehand! Give me some enthusiasm! I've had plenty of partners that start off fantastic, only to lose touch three messages into planning, or will suddenly go AFK. I don't mind if you need to take some time off, or even if you wish to stick to OOC and idea sharing, but it's so disappointing to start a roleplay only to have the other person drop out with no reason why. If we haven't roleplayed in a while and you wish to continue, a surprise post from a dead thread is my favorite!
If any of the above interest you, please PM/DM me for more information! Thanks!
submitted by Raspberry-Crowns to Roleplay [link] [comments]

{F4A} {D} {3rd} She-Ra, RWBY, Apex Legends, My Hero Academia, Persona 5, ReBoot and Hollywood-esque ideas!

Hi everyone! Its summer, and that means more roleplay partners! I do paragraph form roleplaying in 3rd person over Discord, canon characters only for fandoms, I'm not looking for OC'S at this time. I don't always do regular postings but I always, always have time to share ideas with my partners.
First up is She-Ra 2018, and I’m totally caught up, finale and all! I'm open to pretty much anything with this series, AU or canon wise, but I would love to do something involving Catradora! I've seen people do pirate, band, magical school and so many different AU's, I would love to try them all! One of my favorites is a She-Ra AU with the bending abilities from the Avatar series, including an Avatar Adora and her friends, water bending Glimmer and sharp shooter Bow, being pursued by fellow firebender Catra!
Second is RWBY, and again, I'm open to plenty of ideas with this, but I have a slight preference towards AU's for this series. I don't mind trying out new ships, the only die-hard one I don't like mixing with other ships is Arkos, but anything else, I'm up and willing to try! I would love to dive deeper into Ren and Nora's relationship, or how characters would act in a more dangerous or even horror setting. I'm ALSO HOWEVER A HUGE SUCKER FOR DOMESTIC LIFE WITH SOME FUN AND LOVING SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS
Third is Apex Legends, and with this one I'm looking specifically for something involving either Wattson, Mirage, Wraith, Octane or Lifeline. I'm a fan of both in-game and AU ideas as long as your ok with me still learning how to do fight scenes. I'm REALLY keen on finding a Mirage to my Wattson, or someone to pair with Gib!
Fourth is My Hero Academia, and like my previous post, I'm looking for AU's! One idea I've come across is of Class 1-A graduating and becoming heros, only to learn later down the line as pros that the system isn't all its cracked up to be, and some ditch the public eye to becoming vigilantes (And before you ask, I haven't had the chance to read the spin-off of the same name, but definitely will be!) I've also seen Battle Royale versions of this and would love to work off that. I'm pretty much up for anything when it comes to this series right now!
Fifth is Persona 5, and I'm huge into AU's for this series. I've seen anything between mafia/yakuza to pirates and princesses, so I'd love to talk more about this with someone. We could do post P5R events, or a separate path/scenario, or even something a bit darker that's set in a modern world. I'm a huge fan of really big and really loud Phantom Thieves, maybe something similar to a GTA style heist, with planning, getting ready, the heist itself and the days following.
Finally, and this one is a REAL shot in the dark, but I would give my LIFE to find a ReBoot partner. I love the series and recently picked up the DVD set, and I would love a Bob or Enzo against my Dot or AndrAIa. I think theres plenty to explore with them, and so many things we can try!
For AU'S, I would love to do any of the following;
Hollywood AU - Something similar to the Netflix show of the same name, or something set in a 40's-60's Hollywood era. Maybe one character is the American Sweetheart type of person but can’t sing or act, while the other is incredible at their craft, but is too wild and carefree to apply themselves to it?
Battle Royale/Hunger Games AU - I love characters fighting to the death, or being pitted against each other with heavy doses of drama in between. If you don't mind having some fan favorites going at each other for survival, I'm the girl to get in contact with!
AI and Human - Enough said! Just looking for some space/futuristic stuff where an AI and human are friends, but relationships continue to grow
Fallout/Apocalypse/Zombie AU - Enough said! I would love to have characters travel across New Vegas or zombies eating at each other!
Just normal AUs - Enough said! Bring on your coffee shop au's and your florist/tattoo shop ideas!
PM/DM me for more information! Thanks!
submitted by Raspberry-Crowns to Roleplay [link] [comments]

Respect Legosi (Beastars)

Legosi the Grey Wolf

"Are you going to allow these petty acts of evil after your righteous act of predation? Be mad, Legosi."
In the world of Beastars, society is divided into two classes, Carnivore and Herbivore. Legosi is a Grey Wolf who wants nothing more than to not stand out amongst his peers. That all changes when one of his classmates is murdered in school, and he falls in love with a white dwarf rabbit. These two events spiral him down a quest involving the mafia and murderers to protect the ones he loves. Throughout his journey, he slowly begins to understand what it means to be an adult, and what it means to love.
Feats marked [Meat] take place when he was amped after eating meat for the first time in his life, which healed him of his injuries and gave him a boost in strength and determination.


General Strength
Animal Characteristics


Blunt Force
Piercing Resistance






submitted by LetterSequence to respectthreads [link] [comments]

Interesting And Amazing Facts About Japan- Moma Baby Ettc

Facts About Japan

Nicknamed’ the land of the rising sun,’ Japan is a small Asian country with a crimson sun at the center of its flag. The country’s cultures and civilization were among the world’s oldest. Through its powerful heritage and value system, Japan has influenced the world and continues to do so even today. We have compiled some interesting and amazing facts about Japan.

Name And Foundation Facts About Japan

Geography Facts About Japan

Culture And People


Japan is a fascinating country full of places and people of interest. We know that modern Japan today is one of the world’s most developed nations. Most Japanese people, despite their progress, continue to follow the age-old customs observed by their ancestors for centuries.

To Read Know more about blogs visit : https://www.momababyetc.com/interesting-and-amazing-facts-about-japan/
submitted by nikita_chauhan2019 to u/nikita_chauhan2019 [link] [comments]

[DRv3](/s "Kaito Momota") Essay II - Quite The Fallen Star

Well, being that we're a week away from the Famitsu less- than-satisfactory-length profiling, I decided to submerge myself in the subtleties of Kaito Momota’s attire and demeanor.
Specifically why I think he will be a killer. Not a victim or a survivor. Yes, curse me, but that’s what I thought ever since getting the first glimpses at his bishounen face -___-!
(Hope the only thing that kills is his looks, but with this essay, you’ll understand why I’m very VERY uneasy :( )
Let’s begin with Kaito's Kiseru.
We are not sure if Hoshi's holding a cigarette in his lips or if it's just some sort of Pocky stick, but what we know for sure is that Kaito is holding some sort of kiseru.
"Some sort" because the traditional one is narrow on both extremes and only allows a small quantity of its wispy tobacco to be used. Kaito's has a big, Occidental-style hizara (bowl) that makes it look rather unique.
The parts of a kiseru are:
Kuchimoto or lip Suikuchi or mouthpiece Rau or stem, usually wooden or bamboo.
Gankubi or goose-neck shank
Hizara or smoking bowl.
The traditional rau has to be replaced since it's made of bamboo and sometimes, especially with cheap kiseru, the metal parts need changing as well.
Additionally, you'll need a hai-otoshi, or ashtray.
Kaito's model might be a Joshin, one of the two more traditional models, with the addition of a peculiar wide hizara. The type of tobacco he's expected to use would be kizami rolled into a ball.
(This is its traditional use, though it might include anything from cannabis to opium. More on this below)
People usually tend to think Kaito would be sloppy, but if he was, then he'd have burn marks all over, and that doesn't seem the case.
Kiseru smoking is a whole ceremony in itself.
You create a small ball of kizami about the size of the hizara. (that’s one huge-ass ball there, Momota-kun!) The traditional way of lighting it up is not for clumsy people, since it uses the burning embers from a tabako-bon fireplace, or hi- ire. Nowadays, matches are the preferred way of lighting up a kiseru, and there are even special matches for it, long enough so they are reserved for their secondary purpose: scraping the bowl after smoking.
Once lighted, wait until the fire subsides for a couple of minutes and take a few puffs.
Once the smoke is gone, you'll need your burnt match to get rid of the ashes from the hizara. This is done by carefully tapping the gankubi on the edge of the hai-otoshi of the tabako-bon, normally made of wood, or by simply tapping it onto your hand.
This requires some patience and is hazardous enough for anyone who values his/her well-being to avoid any sloppiness.
Now, for the way he's holding it. There are 4 traditional ways of holding a kiseru and each has a deep connection to class. This hand positions have been observed and portrayed to perfection in kabuki theatre as far as characters from each class are concerned.
Kaito Momota's way of holding the kiseru is akin to how the Bakuto class men hold theirs.
What are Bakuto? Welp. Not easy to put this on text, as I really like the character, but it was basically the ancestors to the Yakuza in Meiji times.
Now, if this isn't anything flattering in itself, prepare to what ensues.
The Bakuto class was the one, along with the Tekiya class, upon which the direct foundations for the Yakuza were built, but they had a substantially different ground. Bakuto, in particular, made their money from gambling or running gambling houses.
Tekiya and Bakuto were not noblesmen or anything close to samurai, even ronin were in higher regard than they were, since Bakuto were the very dregs... nearly the bottom tier of Meiji society, and in a society tied to status as the Japanese, you didn't get much lower than that. They were outsiders to society, and took pride in that fact.
Often considered the first kind of yakuza, they were originally mere groups of gamblers who traversed the highways of feudal japan. Finger-cutting, tattoing, and the yakuza’s policy of cooperation with the police are practices that were started by the bakuto.
Bakuto, as gamblers, had a much lower social standing even than the Tekiya (traders), as gambling was illegal. Their disdain for conformity and rules went as far as to occupy abandoned temples and shrines in the villages' hinterlands.
Most of these gambling houses were also loan-shark related, with their very own security attach. Owners were expected to be able to handle difficult and tough customers on their own, though.
(If this is going where I think it's going, I wouldn't mess with this guy, EVER)
Just as they expressed disdain for society, society lashed back, as bakuto and their gambling places were part of the Undesired Japan. Its link with Yakuza is stronger than that of Tekiya even, since yakuza stems from a losing hand in Oicho-Kabu card gambling.
So Kaito might be a specific kind of bakuto: a seiriya (loan shark who handles money disputes) or a jikenya (incident handleout-of-court settler) This ties right into his rather scary and ANGRY sprites. Guy might be nice when he wants to be, but he might as well be USED to deal with conflict!
Continuing with his looks, have you noticed the pecliar way in which Kaito uses/drapes his jacket atop one shouldeinto one sleeve? Aha.
This also ties to how modern- day yakuza members play Oicho- Kabu cards. They often remove their shirts or open them up and drape them around their waists. This enables them to display their full-body tattoos to each other. Yes, Kaito is not shirtless, but he's draping his overcoat in quite the similar fashion.
Card-playing is one of the few times when yakuza members display their tattoos to others, as they normally keep them concealed. It's common for them to wear long-sleeved and high-necked shirts as everyday clothes (Again, what is Kaito wearing?!). When new members join, they are often required to remove their trousers as well and reveal any lower body tattoos. (Kodaka, please no...)
Oh my, so there might be something underneath that peculiar shirt, after all.
As a last note, most of modern as well as old-time yakuza bosses had and still have a deep distaste for drugs. So while tobacco is a staple reflecting on tradition, it does not sit well with their image of ninkyo (honor code) nor with their "chivalrous noblemen" persona. Some specific clans that indulge in its traffic are ostrasized as heavily as the Godfather implied for Western mafia. So think again who you want to call a druggie!
So gosh, if all of this has a meaning, it seems Kaito is more like Mondo or Fuyuhiko than the Holy Trinity Shrine of Wackymen: Leon/Souda/Hagakure.
Send help. I’m a foot deep into him
submitted by ChaarDevataon to danganronpa [link] [comments]

/u/Zeleate on Tattoo artists, what pieces are you tired of doing?

Speaking of sailors' customs, in Thailand and those asian isles a sailor will get, besides the tattoos, a pearl under their penis skin for every year they spend at sea. They can be real pearls, beads or silicon balls, and while they look weird, supposedly makes women feel amazing during sex. "Supposedly" as in "they actually do, it's a well known practice".
That's regard sailors. In Japan having a tattoo in the likes of a bird singing on the branches of cherry tree at a lovely sunset usually means can and will kill people if your boss tell you to. Yakuza are the majority of tattoed people there, so it's kind of their mark. They also do the pearl thing, but for every year spent in jail
And, I may not be sure about this, but the russian mafia gets tattoes of a rose on top of their hearts.
Anthropolgy and cultre are fascinating!
submitted by milkprogrammer to TalkativePeople [link] [comments]

What do you think of these metaphysical principles of reconnecting with women

Found this on the internet and guys keep saying it's gold. What do you think.
Age is one of the most important considerations in a woman. A girl who’s coming to you two or three years later has less to offer you than she did two or three years in the past. It’d be one thing if she’d been your girlfriend for the past two or three years. But when she was someone else’s girlfriend for two or three years, and now you are finally going to get your turn, the deal is not quite as fresh.
If you are okay with girls, you should be able to find a superior replacement. If you’re half decent with girls, you should be able to get fresher, younger women. From this perspective, I don’t think it makes much sense to date women from your past. There’s some bad precedent there (she soft rejected you to go date someone else), and in any event she’s older. Just go find a girl that has the same qualities you like in that one, but is younger and doesn’t have the same bad precedent with you.
If you’re not as good with girls, maybe it makes sense for you to get together with some girl from the past. It may not be worth it for you to spend more time on the dating scene, and this girl you’ve reconnected with does the trick just fine.
Why's this? Because I want to be the hardest, toughest, manliest, most sex-crazy man she's been with. I want that precedent.
Because with every girl you have as a girlfriend, you're either the slickest, hardest, sexiest, baddest hunk of man she's ever had... or you're not.
And if you're not, well... you'd better hope the guy that is doesn't set his sights on his ex - and your current - again, because he'll set a fire in her loins that you simply cannot set.
I was out once at a rooftop lounge with a friend of mine in Los Angeles. This friend had something of a thing for Japanese women, and we happened to meet a pair there and got to talking with them. The girl he was talking to was covered in tattoos, and when he and I were talking later he mentioned the fact, and then mentioned that in Japan, women really don't like getting tattoos, and that for a girl to be that tattooed up, she must have had a Yakuza boyfriend - members of the Asian mafia will make their girlfriends get tattooed, something that marks them as outsiders to society, and undesirable to the majority of men, as a way of marking their territory... a means of staking their ownership.
"I pity whatever guy ends up being that girl's husband," my friend said. "She's never going to be as invested in anyone as she is in her mafia ex-boyfriend."
Drama and fighting and problems in a relationship are turmoil and hell when you go through them, but the more drama a woman goes through with a man and still stays with him, the more invested in him and committed to him she becomes, and the more important to her he becomes and the larger his significance in her life becomes.
Bad precedent consists of:
-- You fail to move fast with her.
Hesitate and fail to move fast, and you've just communicated a wealth of bad things about yourself: you are fearful, you are uncertain, you are unreliable, and you are unmanly. Women want men who seize what they want, act with clarity and certainty of purpose, and lead strongly.
-- Be overly helpful
Doing favors for them and playing errand boy... because men often do for them, and, heck, if YOU could get someone running around doing stuff for you instead of you having to do it yourself, why wouldn't you? Unfortunately, women do not respect men who do this for them - they view them as supplicating, and weak. And they also view men who are eager to help as falling into that vein ever after, too - once you are an over-provider of help, value, or good feelings, this will always be expected of you - and you will never command a woman's full respect. Being trying to impress a woman with adventures, lavish gifts and travels.
-- Be indiscreet or judgmental.
Women's are of the utmost importance to them, and if you're a reputation or judgment risk to a woman even once, or communicate anything that paints you as a probable one, you set the precedent that you're going to be indiscreet, and she will give you only the most sanitized, angelic version of her life and times from that point forward (and appear for all the world to be the consummate "good girl" - heck, they probably invented the term for this saint of a woman!).
-- Act careless with emotions.
It only takes one or two slipups in this department to send most women spiraling into a permanent auto-rejection from which you will never see them recover with you. If a girl you're trying to sleep with is behaving aloof, making her jealous with a little preselection goes a long way, but ignoring her once she's interested again and continuing to flirt with one girl after another quickly sets the precedent that you are an insensitive prick who's going to run slipshod over her heart - and tank whatever trust she had for you down to zero.
-- Seem too controlling or insecure.
You're angry she was talking to some other guy? Bad move, smoove. You look weak, frightened, and threatened by other men's sexual power over her. Guess where that puts you...? Yeah - deep into bad precedent land. Any efforts you make to try showing her how laid back, nonplussed, and un-intimidated you are by other men in the future will just be seen as posing, and she's always going to know exactly what button to push any time she wants you to react a certain way - or any time she decides she needs to get even with you for something you may have done.
-- Reward bad behavior.
She pulls away? You chase. Bad precedent. Lots of guys do this though, over and over... and if you do, she'll know right away you're one of them. Want to change your tune later and act hard to get? She ain't buying it; the precedent is set, and she knows you're the chaser. Or, she flakes on a date you set, and you text her happy and friendly the next day as if nothing happened? You're her texting buddy, and the precedent of her doing whatever she wants and you just taking it is set.
She redflags you and gets away with putting you on interrogation.
She asks how much money you make? Next her.
She implies she's in a hurry to marry and have kids because of too many bad ... Next her.
She talks about her exes and how "bad" they were. Next her (walk out during the date of you want to.)
She asks if you want to have children.
She asks what car you drive.
She asks what you want in a woman. You manipulative bitch, let's see if you're it.
At anytime during her first 100 hours of conversation she utters the words: "I don't need a man."
-- Flip-Flopping on decisions.
Reversing yourself on a whim does not look good for leadership or dominance, and does not inspire faith in said leadership or much of a desire to comply with requests for investment. Why would you want to do what someone is asking you to do one minute, when he's likely to change what he's asking for the next?
You wouldn't. This one is somewhat more recoverable from than the other forms of bad precedent, as soon as you can clearly show you've got your act together and especially if you can explain why you were wishy-washy before and no longer are now, but it's still better to not have to deal with than to have to.
Other bad precedents.
You fail consistently to remind her that in any relationship, YOU and your impersonal goals are your first priority. If she's been taking you for granted recently or treating you badly, it's a sharp reminder that you care about yourself more than simply acquiescing to her frame.
Too low competition anxiety, which ramps up her attraction to you. Why can you ignore her so easily? Is it because you're seeing another girl? Is she better in bed? Does she treat you better? Will you leave her for the other girl? These are all good things to be going through her mind right after you've shown her that you won't stand for her crap.
Similar to above, it shows the ultimate trump card in any relationship: a willingness to cut contact and walk if you're not being treated well. So many guys put up with so much abuse and other garbage, that it truly separates you from the vast majority of men to simply go, "You know what, screw this, I'm leaving" and then take a few days or weeks to figure out how or whether you want to proceed.
You fail to be the one that's cared for and made to feel at ease at least at times. Set the greatest precedent in how you expect to be appreciated and cared for. And personally, I would recommend against putting on a show for women but for constantly checking unless they are paying you in something other than sex and companionship, because you can find other women who look just as good as them, are just as interesting as them, and are every bit as pleasant as them who want little more than your sex and companionship in exchange for their own sex and companionship.
A little adventure here and there is fine.
But most of the time, the adventure should be about physical and emotional intimacy – about you and her. Not about flashing lights, succulent dishes, or exotic locales, because at that point you’re not a partner... you’re a travel mate and a party pal. Or a beta provider.
TL;DR Metaphysical Principles of Reconnecting
“As far as I’m concerned, any girl you pursue to some degree or other but who doesn’t sleep with you, really notice you or has some other guy for a while is at least a ‘soft rejection’ and thus the ideal is lost. No reconnecting when there are younger, fresher options. Will takes precedence over gratification.
Though, sometimes just go easy on the groupies. The highest position and even the man’s fidelity is harder if not impossible to attain. This of course differs from the chase until, you find out she's been easy for others while you had taken her on more dates or persisted with her more even if she ended up in bed which you can see from how they interact that he set a stronger precedent.” The bad precedents are a pushover nice guy, a gallant white knight riding to her rescue, weak in handling relationship drama, and folded or apologized weakly, negligent in maintaining trust and security, and committed a serious trust breach. An early boyfriend who gave far too much too soon and made her undervalue him ... or weak, supplicating, or tryhard in any half-significant way.
She ‘soft rejected’ you before, by opting to not date you and date someone else instead. Any girl you pursue to some degree or other but who doesn’t sleep with you is at least a ‘soft rejection’. She may not have outright rejected you. It may even be that had you taken her on more dates or persisted with her more, she’d have ended up in your bed. But for all intents and purposes, you pursued her, to some degree. She did not give in, and you didn’t get her. It’s not a hard rejection... she didn’t tell you no or decline you. But in my book, it’s still a rejection – just a ‘soft’ one.
Depending on the chain of past events, this may be strong bad precedent (never unless casual, maybe even then!) or it may be light (the balance can be readjusted). But there’s always at least a little bad precedent there. You never want to have men ‘between’ you, when you meet a girl and start to connect with her versus when you take her as yours, if you can help it. The key to this one is, you've got to cut contact as completely as you can after letting her know she isn't who you thought she was... and you've got to go focus on YOURSELF after this (not HER). If you do it in a high strength, respectable "I thought you were one thing, but I think I just misread the situation" way, she's likely to realize that she was misleading you, and she's also going to realize she valued you all wrong - you're not a guy who's going to hang around forever, and your value to her is only available as a mate.
But they’re still in range of each other. And sometimes the girl is the one whose SMV improves over the guy’s (she may have lost weight, got in shape, shed any too-feminist or too-social-justice-warrior-y beliefs and bleeding heart (When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, communists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist.) she used to have that were desirability liabilities, etc.).
submitted by TomeofBlood to PurplePillDebate [link] [comments]

yakuza mafia tattoo meanings video

The tattoo culture of the yakuza evolved in protest to this branding. The meaning of yakuza tattoos are usually related to imagery and symbolism in Japanese art, culture, and religion. The full body suit tattoo, in particular, is a product of yakuza culture. In the past, it was obligatory in many yakuza clans for members to get tattoos. Part of her project also lays bare the women’s “irezumi”, a Japanese tattoo that usually covers part or most of the body. Traditionally associated with Yakuza, this type of design is made by hand with a wooden handle and a needle, and can take years at a time to complete. Rather people loved getting unique tattoo designs ranging from Oni mask to dragon. In the mid 20th century the art of tattoo was again into troubled water as the government banned it. The tattoo art was limited to Japanese mobsters who were called as Yakuza. The Yakuza tattoos were a mix blend of ancient history along with traditional abstract art. The protagonist of the Yakuza series, Kazuma Kiryu sports a dragon tattoo on his back. This design is a nobori-ryu (“ascending dragon”) motif, which is prevalent in Japanese tattoos. Meanings of Japanese Mafia or Yakuza tattoos. When we talk about Japan, we think about concepts like peace, calm, relaxation, good manners, and a long etcetera that would be the opposite of war or... Feb 11, 2016 - Explore Nina Anak Pak Majid's board "Everything bout Yakuza", followed by 746 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Japanese tattoo, Irezumi, Yakuza tattoo. Nevertheless, it can’t be denied that the Yakuza have influenced a lot of people from around the world in terms of tattoo designs. Many have decided to tattoo themselves with designs similar to the gang. Below are 16 of the most common images and/or motifs featured in the gang’s beautiful array of tattoos, along with their respective ... There's no denying that there is a hidden meaning behind a lot of Shirai's ink; virtually all the tattoos that Yakuza members have are linked to Japanese imagery, symbolism, art and culture ... The protagonist of the Yakuza series, Kazuma Kiryu sports a dragon tattoo on his back. This design is a nobori-ryu (“ascending dragon” ) motif, which is prevalent in Japanese tattoos. The Japanese mafia also known as the Yakuza hold within their skin some of the most detailed, vibrantly colored tattoos known to this world! But because of the Yakuza tattooing tradition, prejudice towards people with tattoos has developed in Japan, Yakuza or not. Even though this prejudice is slowly subsiding due to western influence such […]

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